Dozing Bishops Meet the Religion of Woke

Dozing Bishops Meet the Religion of Woke

In case you hadn’t noticed, a new fundamentalist religion has been born in the streets of America.  It’s the religion of Woke—the religion of people who believe they have been given a special revelation about the nature of society.  They have discovered that...

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Elections and Train Bombings

Elections and Train Bombings

You’ve probably seen Ami Horowitz doing one of his “man-on-the-street” interviews on television.  In a recent one, he asked passersby to sign a petition to take down a statue of Washington because “he was a slave owner.”  All were happy to sign.  He...

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Bishops See Black When They Ought to See Red

Bishops See Black When They Ought to See Red

The first step on the way to solving a problem is to understand what the problem is. Consequently, we can’t look to America’s bishops to offer solutions to our nation’s most pressing problem because most of them simply don’t get it. The biggest problem we currently...

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Is the Media to Blame?

Is the Media to Blame?

The most striking thing about the killing of Rayshard Brooks in Atlanta was that up until the moment the police officer was about to place a cuff on his left hand, Brooks had been obeying police instructions and conversing pleasantly with them. Then, suddenly, he...

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America’s Utopian City Wreckers

America’s Utopian City Wreckers

We live in the real world, not the world of John Lennon’s imaginings. Those who seek utopia rather than rational reform will not be happy with what they get. “The best is the enemy of the good.” That observation by Voltaire may help to explain the vast destruction...

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Islam’s Trojan Horse

Islam’s Trojan Horse

“Active shooter at Naval Air Station in Corpus Christi.” That was the breaking news story on Thursday morning. It turned out that the shooter was no longer active, having been “neutralized” after wounding a member of the base security force. As it happens, I was in...

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Chesterton’s Amazing Prediction

Chesterton’s Amazing Prediction

G.K. Chesterton had a knack for anticipating future trends but when, in his 1914 novel The Flying Inn, he anticipated the Islamization of England, it seemed so far out of the realm of possibility that it was difficult to take it as anything but a flight of fancy. True...

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A double standard for Islam?

A double standard for Islam?

If you’re a relativist who believes that there are no universal standards, then you have no right to criticize Islam. Consider the following headline: “Mississippi: Atheist faces execution for insulting Jesus on Facebook”. The alert reader will immediately recognize...

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