Books by William Kilpatrick

New from William Kilpatrick
What Catholics Need to Know About Islam
It is no longer permissible to have an honest conversation about Islam. Those who warn about Islam’s threat to our way of life are dismissed as racists and xenophobes by social elites and even by many in the Catholic hierarchy.
For centuries, the Catholic Church served as a bulwark against Islamic expansion. Today the Church is an enabler of Islam, encouraging mass migration into the West and portraying Islam as a peace-loving religion that has nothing to do with terrorism.
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Jihad
The bestselling Politically Incorrect Guide series provides an unvarnished, unapologetic overview of controversial topics every American should understand. The Politically Incorrect Guide to Jihad pulls apart the dark world of radical Islam, exposing the inner-workings and motivations of the most violent menace of the 21st century.
Christianity, Islam and Atheism: The Struggle for The Soul of The West
For many Americans the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, was the first time they had considered the nature of Islam. Were the terrorists motivated by the true dictates of their religion, or had they hijacked Islam as well as the planes in a political cause unrelated to the teachings of Muhammad?
Who’s guarding the fort?
As global tensions mount and army enlistments drop, James Cassandra, a U.S. Army captain, notices signs of increasing Muslim presence in the officer corps at Fort Camp, the base to which he has been newly assigned. Bearded officers and burqas abound, alcohol is no longer served at the officers’ club, and Muslim children in mujahideen outfits practice hand-to-hand combat at the base housing. When Cassandra goes to his politically correct commanding officer, General Coddle, with his suspicions, he is reassured that what he sees is just the result of the Army’s “Proud to Be Me” program—affirmative action for Muslims and gays, “the two most underrepresented minorities in the military.”
As global tensions mount and army enlistments drop, James Cassandra, a U.S. Army captain, notices signs of increasing Muslim presence in the officer corps at Fort Camp, the base to which he has been newly assigned. Bearded officers and burqas abound, alcohol is no longer served at the officers’ club, and Muslim children in mujahideen outfits practice hand-to-hand combat at the base housing. When Cassandra goes to his politically correct commanding officer, General Coddle, with his suspicions, he is reassured that what he sees is just the result of the Army’s “Proud to Be Me” program—affirmative action for Muslims and gays, “the two most underrepresented minorities in the military.”
Why Johnny Can't Tell Right from Wrong: And What We Can Do About It
A hard-hitting and controversial book, WHY JOHNNY CAN’T TELL RIGHT FROM WRONG will not only open eyes but change minds. America today suffers from unprecedented rates of teenage pregnancy, drug abuse, suicide, and violence. Most of the programs intended to deal with these problems have failed because, according to William Kilpatrick, schools and parents have abandoned the moral teaching they once provided. In WHY JOHNNY CAN’T TELL RIGHT FROM WRONG, Kilpatrick shows how we can correct this problem by providing our youngsters with the stories, models, and inspirations they need in order to lead good lives. He also encourages parents to read to their children and provides an annotated guide to more than 120 books for children and young adults.