Putin, Biden, Iran, and Nuclear War

Putin, Biden, Iran, and Nuclear War

How real is the threat? One of the ironies of our times is that while Vladimir Putin threatens nuclear war, the Biden administration is anxious to enter into a nuclear deal with Iran which, critics say, will only serve to hasten Iran’s development of nuclear weapons....

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Has Church Policy Enabled Christian Persecution?

Has Church Policy Enabled Christian Persecution?

Francis fiddles with “fraternity” while Africa burns. The new Archbishop of Algiers recently said that Catholics must “abandon the idea that we have to evangelize and bring people to our truth.” “At the same time,” continued Archbishop Jean-Paul Vesco, “we have to...

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Shoot First and Ask Questions Later

Shoot First and Ask Questions Later

Our policymakers want to present us with irreversible faits accomplis. “It ought to be the oldest things that are taught to the youngest people,” wrote G.K. Chesterton more than 100 years ago. He didn’t mean that children should be fed a strict diet of ancient...

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Freedom of Religion on Trial in Finland

Freedom of Religion on Trial in Finland

Will Finland bow down to the gods of fashion? Päivi Räsänen is a member of the Finnish Parliament, a former minister of the interior, a public speaker and the mother of five grown children. She faces a heavy fine and two years in prison for quoting the Bible.  In...

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Should Catholics Keep Up With The Times?

Should Catholics Keep Up With The Times?

Or is it time to slow down? Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich of Luxembourg, one of the Church’s leading prelates, has called for a revision of Catholic teaching on homosexuality.  Why?  Well, because “the Church has always moved with the times and has always...

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The Popular Belief That Empties Churches

The Popular Belief That Empties Churches

The devastating impact of the premise that people are essentially good. In a recent Front Page column, Dennis Prager criticizes the idea that people are basically good.  The belief that humans are inherently good is both “foolish” and “dangerous,” writes Prager,...

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Forgetting Jihad

Forgetting Jihad

The Boulder massacre took place less than a year ago. Why is it so difficult to remember? Note: This piece was written several days before the attack on a synagogue in Texas by an Islamic jihadist. The hostage situation, which resulted in the death of the Muslim...

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The 15:17 to Paris

The 15:17 to Paris

Clint Eastwood’s film is more relevant than ever. The 15:17 to Paris which depicts the true story of three Americans who foiled a terrorist attack on a Paris-bound train in 2015 was released in 2018.  But in some ways, it is more relevant now than it was then. Of...

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