by William Kilpatrick | Jun 27, 2021
Seven years ago, I wrote a dark comedy about political correctness run amok in the military. To quote from the back cover of Insecurity, “Gays, Muslims, and security threats are multiplying at Fort Camp, but no one seems to notice.” The Muslim officers at Fort Camp...
by William Kilpatrick | Jun 22, 2021
Below is a brief excerpt from my comic novel, Insecurity, which captures the topsy-turvy nature of our “woke” society. The story concerns a plot by radical Muslim officers to take over the Army and then the government. Coincidentally, we are currently witnessing...
by William Kilpatrick | Jun 12, 2021
Far from being critical thinkers, the woke are zombie-like hunters who instinctively move with the pack, asleep to the fact that the ideas and ideologies they embrace invariably end in death and destruction. “The Wokeing Dead.” It’s not simply a play on words. The...
by William Kilpatrick | Jun 1, 2021
It’s difficult to keep track or make sense of the daily barrage of news, foreign and domestic, but one thing seems clear. With the advent of a new and thoroughly naïve administration, America faces the greatest threat to its security since 1941. Weakness invites...
by William Kilpatrick | May 25, 2021
In view of the current strife between Israel and Hamas, we’re re-posting this piece from four years ago to provide some perspective. Catholics who don’t pay attention may think that Jewish-Catholic relations are in good shape. After all, Church documents such as...