The Tyranny of Fashion

The Tyranny of Fashion

Our “woke” society is sleepwalking its way to an Orwellian future. Fashions come and go, but sometimes they can stick around long enough to do considerable damage. Smoking was fashionable for a great many decades and was glamorized in films for more than half a...

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The Alarmists Were Right

The Alarmists Were Right

Many in the West remain complacent about Islam’s rising tide because they rely on the assurances of people who have been consistently wrong about Islam and immigration. Meanwhile, they are being denied access to the opinions of the people who have been reliably...

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The New Know-Nothings

The New Know-Nothings

“In order to protect Americans, the United States must ensure that those admitted to this country do not bear hostile attitudes toward it and its founding principles.” ∼ Executive order: Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United...

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A Lesson in Realism for Iran

A Lesson in Realism for Iran

According to many pundits and prognosticators, the targeted killing of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani was going to precipitate World War III. And if not that, it would certainly land us in a quagmire like the ones that followed the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq....

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Hijacking Jesus

Hijacking Jesus

1,400 years ago, Muhammad hijacked Jesus from the gospels, demoted him to prophet, and placed him in the Koran.  Christianity was Islam’s main competition at the time, and Muhammad seems to have reasoned that it was better to co-opt Jesus than to denounce him. Jump...

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Islam, Realism, and the Church

Islam, Realism, and the Church

In comments last year, Marcello Pera [1], a prominent Italian intellectual and non-believer, criticized Pope Francis for “openly going against tradition, doctrine, and introducing inexplicable innovations, behaviors and gestures.” A philosopher of science, former...

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Let Nothing You Dismay

Let Nothing You Dismay

One of the perpetual complaints against Christianity is that it is a life-denying, puritanical system. In the Victorian era, poet Algernon Swinburne referred to Christ as the “pale Galilean” from whose breath “the world has grown grey.” In our own time, films such as...

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Pius XII, Francis, and the Media

Pius XII, Francis, and the Media

John Cornwell’s 1999 smear of Pius XII, Hitler’s Pope, became a best-seller, lauded by reviewers and excerpted in major magazines.  Cornwell portrayed Pope Pius as an anti-Semite, a supporter of Hitler, and an enabler of the Holocaust. None of this is true, of course....

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