by William Kilpatrick | Jun 5, 2022
Who’s on first, but who’s minding the schools? A Wisconsin school district has charged a 13-year-old boy with sexual harassment for using the wrong pronoun when addressing a trans student. Coincidentally, I recently came across an old Abbott and Costello skit that...
by William Kilpatrick | May 30, 2022
Our problem is not that we fear Islam — but that we know so little about it. When the word “Islamophobia” first became current many years ago, I was sure it wouldn’t catch on. People, I thought, would quickly see that it was a gimmick—an obvious attempt to...
by William Kilpatrick | May 25, 2022
Why American bishops need to rethink immigration policy. When American bishops call for more welcoming migration policies—as they often do—they frequently hold up the example of the Holy Family’s flight into Egypt to remind us of our duty to migrants. A recent article...
by William Kilpatrick | May 10, 2022
Why some say “no.” Many in the Catholic media tend to cover-up for Pope Francis either by putting the best possible interpretation on his actions or else by failing to report news that might be damaging to his image. One of the main stories that the Catholic media...
by William Kilpatrick | May 1, 2022
Homoerotic singer invited to entertain teens. On Easter Monday a soft-porn singer name Blanco entertained a crowd of 80,000 young people in St. Peter’s Square. Blanco, who is a favorite of LGBT fans for his homoerotic performances, was invited by the Italian Bishops...