Are the Beaches Really Safe?

Are the Beaches Really Safe?

I watched Jaws the other night on TV and it reminded me—as everything does these days—of jihad.  In fact, there are some instructive parallels between the plot of Jaws and the official narrative about jihad. In the film, a great white shark terrorizes the beach...

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Pope Francis Doesn’t Understand Islam

Pope Francis Doesn’t Understand Islam

“Is the pope Catholic?” used to be a punch line. Now, sometimes, you almost have to wonder. Of course, I’m not suggesting that Pope Francis is a secret apostate or a Masonic agent. It’s just that he seems dissatisfied with certain Church teachings. What apparently...

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Teaching or Preaching?  Islam in the Classroom

Teaching or Preaching? Islam in the Classroom

Should schools teach about Islam, and if so, how should they teach it? There’s a general consensus among educators that when dealing with controversial subjects, schools should maintain a distinction between teaching and preaching—between an objective presentation and...

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In Denial about Islam

In Denial about Islam

“The times they are a-changing.”  ∼ Bob Dylan Rival gangs battle in the streets and set fire to cars. Uncovered women are considered fair game. Molotov cocktails are hurled at police stations. Syria? No, Sweden. For a long time, Sweden has been importing...

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White Nationalists and Black-clad Antifas

White Nationalists and Black-clad Antifas

In a sane world, both the racial hatred of white supremacists and the ideological hatred of Antifa would be condemned and combatted. Shortly after the El Paso massacre, a terrorism expert appeared on my TV screen claiming that white nationalist terrorists were just...

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Pope Francis’s Strange Bedfellows

Pope Francis’s Strange Bedfellows

One would assume a radical pope like Francis would at least keep a few token conservatives in his entourage. On the contrary: many of his appointees are well to the Left of his own public image. Much can be gleaned about the Holy Father’s mind by studying the men he...

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