Leftists, Islamists, and America’s Weakened Resolve

Leftists, Islamists, and America’s Weakened Resolve

Right now, the greater threat appears to come from the left, but don’t discount Islam’s 1400-year record of cultural and geographical conquest. Until three months ago, an attempted leftist takeover of American cities seemed a remote possibility. It seemed even less...
What Catholics Need to Know About Islam

What Catholics Need to Know About Islam

(An excerpt from my new book) Nothing facilitates jihad like ignorance of Islam. And since there is so much ignorance, jihad has been spreading rapidly. But we don’t seem to notice. We hear scattered reports about the persecution of Christians in Nigeria, Egypt,...
Falling Off the Demographic Cliff

Falling Off the Demographic Cliff

Below is an excerpt from my new book, What Catholics Need to Know About Islam. I hope you enjoy it. The book is now available on Amazon or at sophiainstitute.com/Islam. Friends who visit Europe with large families in tow tell me they soon become “tourist attractions”...