by William Kilpatrick | Apr 12, 2021
If the media remains true to form, it will drop the Boulder story within a very short time. In the wake of the March 23rd killing of ten people at the King Soopers grocery store in Boulder, Colorado, two Catholic bishops quickly responded with words of solace. They...
by William Kilpatrick | Apr 6, 2021
The watered-down religion of human fraternity which some Catholics hope to bring about will be no match for either militant secularism or militant Islam. Jesus assured us that the gates of hell will not prevail against his Church. But we’re not told how much damage...
by William Kilpatrick | Mar 30, 2021
Dr. Kilpatrick was recently interviewed by Maureen Mullarkey for The Federalist. Here is a brief excerpt from that interview. Maureen Mullarkey: You consistently warn against what we might call the fallacy of root cause. Much mainstream commentary explains the origin...
by William Kilpatrick | Mar 15, 2021
The following piece was originally published a few days after the inauguration of President Joe Biden. Since then, it’s become crystal clear that his far-left policies constitute an all-out attack on Catholic moral principles. Yet Biden still presents himself as...
by William Kilpatrick | Mar 7, 2021
The Vatican is currently hosting a series of webinars on “Mary as a model for faith and life for Christianity and Islam.” This is part of a push by the Vatican to reconcile with Islam by emphasizing the biblical figures that the two faiths share in common,...