by William Kilpatrick | Apr 5, 2022
It may do well to heed one of the more reliable lessons of history. When tyrannies are appeased, they tend to grow. That seems to be one of the more reliable lessons of history. Yet, societies continue to appease aggressors in the hope that, maybe this...
by William Kilpatrick | Mar 31, 2022
Is Putin’s war distracting us from another threat? While the world justifiably worries about the expansion of Russia under Vladimir Putin, another world power is slowly expanding its reach. It’s called Islam. Unlike Russia, Islam is not one large land mass, but...
by William Kilpatrick | Mar 24, 2022
The president implies that God supports his gender agenda. How does he know? “Women can’t reach ‘full God-given potential’ without abortion, Joe Biden claims.” So reads a headline in a LifeSite News piece reporting on a statement issued by President Biden on...
by William Kilpatrick | Mar 20, 2022
How real is the threat? One of the ironies of our times is that while Vladimir Putin threatens nuclear war, the Biden administration is anxious to enter into a nuclear deal with Iran which, critics say, will only serve to hasten Iran’s development of nuclear weapons....
by William Kilpatrick | Mar 13, 2022
Francis fiddles with “fraternity” while Africa burns. The new Archbishop of Algiers recently said that Catholics must “abandon the idea that we have to evangelize and bring people to our truth.” “At the same time,” continued Archbishop Jean-Paul Vesco, “we have to...