Will Islam Convert the West?

Will Islam Convert the West?

The trans craze suggests that we are highly vulnerable. Kim Ghattas’s book, Black Wave, describes the revolutionary fervor which swept across much of the Muslim world in the wake of the Iranian Revolution of 1979. The movement was marked by the sudden reappearance of...

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Have Catholic Progressives Gone Too Far?

Have Catholic Progressives Gone Too Far?

Pro-LGBT bishops lose big in recent election. The bad news is that the lunatic fringe of the Catholic Church is no longer on the fringes.  Each new day brings more evidence that the lunatics are in charge. Some examples? A drag queen activist lectures...

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Priest Advocates Porn for Overstressed Clergy

Priest Advocates Porn for Overstressed Clergy

Priests like Fr. Backhaus are no longer rare exceptions in the Church. Just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse in the Catholic Church, Father Hermann Backhaus, a priest of the Diocese of Münster, Germany, proves you wrong. In a recent interview, Backhaus...

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A Non-Catholic Pope?

A Non-Catholic Pope?

Archbishop Vigano's critique of Francis “A non-Catholic Pope”?  It sounds like a contradiction in terms.  But those are the words used to describe Pope Francis by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States.  In fact,...

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Belgian Bishops’ Same-Sex Blessing

Belgian Bishops’ Same-Sex Blessing

What happens next? In “Francis Forgives Everyone,” I suggested that the main thrust of the Francis papacy is to de-emphasize sin. But if Francis wants to forgive everyone, he’d better hurry up before some European bishops beat him to the punch. Just recently, the...

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See No Islam, Hear No Islam

See No Islam, Hear No Islam

A significant omission in an otherwise good book. The New Apologetics is a collection of 41 essays by noted Catholic apologists. It’s a valuable book for those who are interested in spreading the Christian faith in a time of secularism and relativism, as well as for...

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The Radical Inclusive Church

The Radical Inclusive Church

Irish of a traditional bent need not apply. Most practicing Catholics will have noticed by now that the Church under Francis has changed.  And many are not happy with the changes. For example, Andrea Cionci, author of a new book which questions the validity of...

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A Thoroughly Modern Synod

A Thoroughly Modern Synod

The Church of What’s-Happening-Now seeks your input. Pope Francis just announced that the multi-year Synod on Synodality will be extended another year. Apparently, the synodalists need more time to complete what Cardinal Gerhard Muller describes as a “hostile takeover...

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A Hostile Takeover of the Catholic Church?

A Hostile Takeover of the Catholic Church?

Does the Synod have a sinister purpose? In a recent interview on EWTN’s The World Over, Cardinal Gerhard Muller, the former head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, warned that the Synod on Synodality was engaged in a “hostile takeover of the Church.”...

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The Church of Everyone

The Church of Everyone

Why so many Catholics are leaving. Pope Francis recently called for a “Church open to everyone.”  Nothing new here.  The Church has always been open to everyone—including sinners.  The Church has always acknowledged that it is “a Church of sinners.” But...

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