Jihad Never Sleeps
Most Catholics in the U.S. are vaguely aware that Christians are being persecuted in the Middle East, Africa, and other parts of the Islamic world. Most are aware of the many terrorist attacks in Europe. And most are aware of the major jihad attacks here in America....

How will the Church respond to “pay-to-slay”?
Catholics who don’t pay attention may think that Jewish-Catholic relations are in good shape. After all, Church documents such as Nostra Aetate decry anti-Semitism and speak of the great “spiritual patrimony common to Christians and Jews.” Moreover, most recent popes...

Islam and the Church: Have Islamists Hijacked the Discussion?
On September 11, 2001, nineteen jihadists hijacked four planes and used them to attack America. Islamists have been using the hijacking strategy ever since. Only nowadays they have bigger targets in mind. Why bother hijacking planes when you can hijack American...

Ali in Wonderland
Here’s a recent news item that caught my eye: Ayaan Hirsi Ali was scheduled to present a paper on radical Islamic terror at the National Security Council before being blocked by H.R. Mc Master and his recently appointed Senior Director of Counter-Terrorism, Mustafa...

Should Catholics Support the Anti-Islamophobia Campaign?
Marquette University will pay for its faculty to attend an “Overcoming Islamophobia” workshop in August. The Catholic university will also offer a graduate credit for attendees who submit a written assignment. Fighting “Islamophobia” seems to be all the rage at...

“Family-Friendly” Islam Comes to Europe
“If you want to see the face of Europe in 100 years, barring a miracle, look to the faces of young Muslim immigrants.” Thus said Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput at a recent Napa Institute conference. “Islam has a future because Islam believes in children,” he...

The Day the Music Died
One day, out of curiosity, I Googled “symphony orchestras in the Muslim world.” The results were rather dismal. One site—“About Symphony Orchestras in the Arab World”—contained the following (badly translated) information: Symphony of Saudi Arabia: “Non-existent…” The...

Europe Is Dying–But Don’t Be Alarmed
I recently read an article, though I can’t remember where, which referred to the “end game” in Europe. Was it one of those stories about how the Swedish police are pleading for help because they have lost control of the immigrant crime situation? Or was it a story...

Muslims for Same-Sex “Marriage”?
The German parliament just voted in favor of same-sex “marriage,” and to the wonder of all, all six Muslim members of the Bundestag also voted in favor. Well, make that to the wonder of all the “rubes.” Sophisticated people wouldn’t be astonished. They’ve always...

Raising Lion Cubs for the Caliphate
There are a number of Muslim reform movements in the West and in the Muslim world which aim to make Islam a more peaceful religion by removing the more offensive parts. Some reformers, for example, want to rebuild Islam around the more peaceful verses of the Koran...