Pan-Amazon Pandemonium

Pan-Amazon Pandemonium

There’s a funny scene in Oklahoma in which Curly sings a slyly mocking song about Jud Fry, the menacing hired hand. Curly assures Jud that though people dislike him now, they’ll miss him when he’s gone. To make the point, he imagines Jud’s funeral and how people will...

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Islam Minus Muhammad

Islam Minus Muhammad

Ever since 9/11 there has been much talk about reforming Islam so that it can be more in step with the modern world. What would a reformed Islam look like? One doesn’t have to look far for an answer. In a sense the Islamic reformation has already come and gone. It...

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The Amazon Synod Goes Native

The Amazon Synod Goes Native

Every now and then, the utopians in our midst dust off Rousseau’s Noble Savage thesis and try to convince us that life in the jungle beats life in the air-conditioned suburbs. The general idea is that people who live close to the state of nature are spiritually...

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Multiculturalism:  Islamic Style

Multiculturalism: Islamic Style

“Schoolchildren banned from singing Silent Night over fears it will offend other religions.” So reads a headline in the Express. Instead of singing the lyrics which might “offend other religions,” schoolchildren in Bresciano, Italy were told to hum the tune. If you...

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Infiltration:  Real or Imagined?

Infiltration: Real or Imagined?

Has the Catholic Church been infiltrated by anti-Catholic forces intent on its destruction?  This is the thesis of Taylor Marshall’s new book, Infiltration:  The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within. The book has already generated a lot of controversy,...

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Beware of Muslim Bearing Pamphlets

Beware of Muslim Bearing Pamphlets

“True Islam is a religion that wholly rejects all forms of terrorism.” So says an online pamphlet put out by the True Islam Campaign. The pamphlet lists ten other truths about “true Islam,” including “True Islam believes in the equality, education, and empowerment of...

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The New Primitives

The New Primitives

When a man ceases to believe in God, observed Chesterton, he becomes capable of believing in anything. It looks like we may now have reached the “anything” stage of human history. As faith in Christianity recedes in the West, a strange thing is happening. Having...

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Sauron Comes to Middle England

Sauron Comes to Middle England

Tolkien, the new biopic about the master storyteller’s life, has come under criticism for giving the impression that Tolkien’s service in World War I was the decisive influence on his work. In fact, Tolkien was far more influenced by other factors—in particular by his...

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Fool’s Paradise:  The Appeal of Jihad

Fool’s Paradise: The Appeal of Jihad

“As for the righteous, they shall surely triumph. Theirs shall be gardens and vineyards and high-bosomed maidens for companions.”  ∼ Koran 78: 31-33 According to the principle known as Occam’s razor, the best explanation of an event is usually the one that is...

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