Islamophobia and Islamo-ignorance
An Open Letter to Bishop Joseph Bambera, Chairman of the USCCB’s Committee for Interreligious Affairs Your Excellency, You are to be commended for your December 29th statement asking Catholics to pray for “our Coptic brethren who are enduring martyrdom for the sake of...

Ex- Muslim Women Rip Veil off Islam’s Pervasive Oppression of Women
The differences between Islamic family values and Christian family values are far greater than most realize Sometimes, one anecdote is worth a thousand statistics. As Joseph Stalin cynically said, “One death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.” ...

Why Muslim Nations Can’t Handle the Coronavirus
The Muslim world’s reaction to the Covid-19 pandemic helps to highlight some important aspects of the Islamic faith. It also reveals some important differences between Islam and Christianity. Of course, there are similarities as well. The main one is that Muslims,...

Death in Venice and Spiritual Sickness in Rome
Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice is a story of moral infection set against the background of a cholera epidemic. The celebrated novella contains several lessons for our own times. Gustav von Aschenbach, the protagonist of the story, is a highly respected German writer on...

What Happens if Francis Resigns?
Note: The pope’s appointment of controversial Cardinal Kevin Farrell as the new camerlengo – the man responsible for administering the Vatican in the event of the pope’s death or resignation – raises questions about the future of the Church once Francis is no longer...

Covid-19: Natural Disaster or Supernatural Sign?
Whenever it began to thunder, my older brother and I, having reached a certain level of “sophistication,” liked to quip that “the gods must be angry.” This was said in a knowing way and was meant to demonstrate our superiority to younger kids, and also to...

Do Catholics Have Legitimate Fears about Immigration?
In a number of talks and statements over the years, Pope Francis has scolded Europeans for their fear of immigrants. He came back to that theme early in March following electoral gains by “anti-immigrant” parties in Italy. According to a Reuters report, “Pope Francis...

Will the Church Put Islam on Life Support?
Suppose the Muslim world were to lose faith in Islam. Suppose that Muslims ignored the Koran, stopped going to mosque and dismissed Muhammad as a blood thirsty warlord and slave trader. How would the Catholic Church respond? Would Church leaders greet the news...

How a 2020 Democrat Victory could Pave the way for Radical Islam’s U.S. Takeover
I’ve written elsewhere about the Islamization of Europe that is currently underway, and also about the potential Islamization of America. If the latter sounds implausible — and I’m sure a great many people view it that way — consider what might happen if a certain...

Progressive Catholics and the Black Wave
'Black Wave' should serve as a wake-up call to all those blue skies Catholics who worry more about the threat of 'Islamophobia' than the reality of Christian genocide. The other night, I caught an interview on PBS between Fareed Zakaria and Kim Ghattas, the author of...