Islamophobia and Islamo-ignorance

Islamophobia and Islamo-ignorance

An Open Letter to Bishop Joseph Bambera, Chairman of the USCCB’s Committee for Interreligious Affairs Your Excellency, You are to be commended for your December 29th statement asking Catholics to pray for “our Coptic brethren who are enduring martyrdom for the sake of...

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Death in Venice and Spiritual Sickness in Rome

Death in Venice and Spiritual Sickness in Rome

Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice is a story of moral infection set against the background of a cholera epidemic. The celebrated novella contains several lessons for our own times. Gustav von Aschenbach, the protagonist of the story, is a highly respected German writer on...

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What Happens if Francis Resigns?

What Happens if Francis Resigns?

Note: The pope’s appointment of controversial Cardinal Kevin Farrell as the new camerlengo – the man responsible for administering the Vatican in the event of the pope’s death or resignation – raises questions about the future of the Church once Francis is no longer...

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Will the Church Put Islam on Life Support?

Will the Church Put Islam on Life Support?

Suppose the Muslim world were to lose faith in Islam. Suppose that Muslims ignored the Koran, stopped going to mosque and dismissed Muhammad as a blood thirsty warlord and slave trader. How would the Catholic Church respond? Would Church leaders greet the news...

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Progressive Catholics and the Black Wave

Progressive Catholics and the Black Wave

'Black Wave' should serve as a wake-up call to all those blue skies Catholics who worry more about the threat of 'Islamophobia' than the reality of Christian genocide. The other night, I caught an interview on PBS between Fareed Zakaria and Kim Ghattas, the author of...

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