by William Kilpatrick | Jan 12, 2021
In the wake of the January 6th Capitol break-in by protestors, and the resulting death of a young woman, numerous politicians have called for divided Americans to “work together,” “overcome our differences,” and “remember what we have in common.” Similar pleas were...
by William Kilpatrick | Jan 1, 2021
One of the perpetual complaints against Christianity is that it is a life-denying, puritanical system. In the Victorian era, poet Algernon Swinburne referred to Christ as the “pale Galilean” from whose breath “the world has grown grey.” In our own time, films such as...
by William Kilpatrick | Dec 20, 2020
For the benefit of bishops who have difficulty thinking straight. Representatives Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, together with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and 27 other House members have signed a letter to Mark Zuckerberg requesting “100 percent proactive detection and...
by William Kilpatrick | Dec 15, 2020
In early November, Archbishop Jose Gomez, the president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, congratulated Joe Biden as “the second United States president to profess the Catholic faith.” The implication seemed to be that Catholics should be...
by William Kilpatrick | Dec 7, 2020
By Raymond Ibrahim Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. Of the various strands of Christianity, historically, Catholicism was the chief enemy of Islam. It was the popes who called for the crusades; and it was Catholics who...