Witch Hunts in Salem and in Washington

Witch Hunts in Salem and in Washington

The Crucible, Arthur Miller’s play about the Salem Witch Trials is often used by educators to teach students about the dangers that arise when true believers try to impose their orthodoxies on the rest of us.  Indeed, Miller wrote the play during the era of the...
Cancelling Orwell?

Cancelling Orwell?

There’s an almost dream-like quality to the events of the last 12 months.  Depending on their political/cultural views, the dream will be experienced by some as pleasant, by others as disturbing, and by still others as nightmarish. For those in the latter...
Francis Tries to Second-guess the Devil

Francis Tries to Second-guess the Devil

Despite his penchant for theological innovation, Pope Francis seems to hold some fairly traditional beliefs about the devil. Here’s an example from Gaudete et Exsultate: It is precisely the conviction that this malign power is present in our midst that enables us to...
Humanitarian Islam?

Humanitarian Islam?

“Horrendous violence has engulfed much of the Islamic world, from Central Asia through the Middle East to Africa.” Hmm.  Sounds like the ravings of a deluded “Islamophobe.”—the kind of extremist rhetoric one might expect from Robert Spencer, Raymond Ibrahim, or...
The President and the Bishops:  What’s Next?

The President and the Bishops: What’s Next?

Catholics have never been more confused than now about what they are supposed to believe.  The causes of the confusion are not difficult to find:  widespread immorality among priests and bishops and even more widespread coverup of same; a pope who affirms traditional...