by William Kilpatrick | Oct 5, 2021
His need to prove his manhood is putting us all in danger. According to some analysts, Joe Biden won the presidential election because he was perceived to be the kinder, gentler alternative to Donald Trump. Trump was often portrayed as a prime example of “toxic...
by William Kilpatrick | Sep 14, 2021
We were able to put an end to Bin Laden, but the ideology that inspired him lived on in Al-Qaeda and also in dozens of other Islamic terror groups spread out all over the world. The media often describes 9/11 as the day that changed America. In one sense that’s true....
by William Kilpatrick | Sep 2, 2021
Amidst the blur of violent, tragic events in Afghanistan, The Stream decided to ask for some perspective from an expert on the Islamic faith and its links to political conflict and violence, author William Kilpatrick. John Zmirak: You’re an expert on Islam. You...
by William Kilpatrick | Aug 30, 2021
For twenty years we have been fighting a global war on terror without much to show for it. This lack of success stems from a deception at the heart of the war effort. The deception is to call it a war on terror when it is, in fact, a war on Islamic terror. For twenty...
by William Kilpatrick | Aug 17, 2021
Sunday’s Taliban victory administered a jolt to complacent Americans. But many such jolts have been administered over the years, and after each one we retreat again into complacency. As I write this, the news is full of reports that Kabul has fallen to the Taliban,...