Should Catholics Celebrate Pride Month?
Remember, it's all about dignity. In Cremona, Italy, recently, an LGBTQ+ pride march included a topless mannequin of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The bishop of Cremona, Antonio Napolioni responded by saying he was “shocked at…the offensive and obviously blasphemous...

Love Me, Love My Sins?
Fr. James Martin seems to think that LGBTQ+ love is a special way of loving that shouldn’t be governed by the rules that apply to others. “We are all sinners.” It’s true, of course; but it’s a phrase that can become a platitude when it’s overused. Currently, the...

Go Woke and Go Up in Smoke?
If you’re looking for a single sign that the world’s going to Hell, my candidate would be the queering of the U.S. military. Are these the end-times? There’s been a lot of speculation along those lines in the last few years. Of course, there are always reasons to...

The Pelvic Divide: Anatomy, Ideology, and Pseudo-science
You can argue about whether God designed the pelvis this way or whether nature did, but it is an anatomical fact that children should know. It’s a fact that gives children an objective basis on which to discern who’s telling the truth about gender and who is not. They...

Abbott and Costello Go to the Dodgers’ Game
A modern twist on a classic sketch. ABBOTT: Hey Lou! How’d you like to go to a Dodger’s game? I got two free tickets. COSTELLO: Where did you get the tickets? ABBOTT: A friend gave ‘em to me. He was going to take his son, but then he changed his...

Bacha Bazi in America?
American drag culture bears a disturbing resemblance to the Afghan custom of “boy play.” There is a certain culture where it is acceptable for men to take possession of young boys, dress them in girls’ clothes, make them wear makeup, jewelry, and ankle bells, and...

Should Transgender Criminals Plead Insanity?
Many in the trans movement would likely object to an insanity defense even if it saved transgender defendants from prison because it would expose the basic insanity that lies at the heart of transgender ideology. The case of Audrey Hale, the transgender woman who...

What we can learn from the Salem witch trials about today’s trans mania
The people of Salem were told they could save their souls and lives by confessing to be a witch. Today, teenage girls are told they will feel much better about themselves once their breasts are removed. And so-called adults call it “affirmative care.” For the last...

Where’s Islam?
A significant omission in an otherwise good book. The New Apologetics is a collection of 41 essays by noted Catholic apologists. It’s a valuable book for those who are interested in spreading the Christian faith in a time of secularism and relativism, as well as for...

Are Pope Francis’ most recent appointments non-ideological?
When it comes to “culture wars about issues of sexual morality,” Pope Francis reserves the plum posts for men who not only fight the culture wars, but fight them from the wrong side. A recent National Catholic Reporter (NCR) piece points out that due to retirements...