The Francis-friendly Media

The Francis-friendly Media

Although the largely liberal media is no more a friend of the Catholic Church than it was in 2002, it sees Francis as a fellow liberal who will champion the “right” causes. When the first sex-abuse scandal broke in 2002, the secular media carried a lot of...

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More Sugarcoating of Islam from Pope Francis

More Sugarcoating of Islam from Pope Francis

It’s often been said of Pope Francis’s bridge-building initiatives with Islam that the traffic over the bridge goes only in one direction—away from Rome and toward Mecca. This also seems to be the case with the pope’s “historic” trip to the United Arab Emirates last...

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If Francis Should Resign, What then?

If Francis Should Resign, What then?

After providing evidence for the existence of widespread corruption in the hierarchy – corruption that, he claims, Pope Francis knew about and enabled – Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò called on Pope Francis to resign:  “He must acknowledge his mistake and. . .must...

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Christianity’s Masculinity Crisis

Christianity’s Masculinity Crisis

It might seem odd to classify gender theory as a national security threat. After all, if a woman feels she was meant to be a man, there seems to be no reason why her personal desires should have any impact on national policy. But, as you’re no doubt aware, gender...

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Time for Some Trust Busting?

Time for Some Trust Busting?

Which organizations are most likely to advance the cause of Islamic dominance? ISIS? Al Qaeda? Hezbollah? The Muslim Brotherhood? If you’ve been keeping track of world events, these are the names that will most likely come to mind. There are, however, other names to...

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