by William Kilpatrick | May 25, 2020
G.K. Chesterton had a knack for anticipating future trends but when, in his 1914 novel The Flying Inn, he anticipated the Islamization of England, it seemed so far out of the realm of possibility that it was difficult to take it as anything but a flight of fancy. True...
by William Kilpatrick | May 17, 2020
If you’re a relativist who believes that there are no universal standards, then you have no right to criticize Islam. Consider the following headline: “Mississippi: Atheist faces execution for insulting Jesus on Facebook”. The alert reader will immediately recognize...
by William Kilpatrick | May 12, 2020
An Open Letter to Bishop Joseph Bambera, Chairman of the USCCB’s Committee for Interreligious Affairs Your Excellency, You are to be commended for your December 29th statement asking Catholics to pray for “our Coptic brethren who are enduring martyrdom for the sake of...
by William Kilpatrick | May 3, 2020
The differences between Islamic family values and Christian family values are far greater than most realize Sometimes, one anecdote is worth a thousand statistics. As Joseph Stalin cynically said, “One death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.” ...
by William Kilpatrick | Apr 21, 2020
The Muslim world’s reaction to the Covid-19 pandemic helps to highlight some important aspects of the Islamic faith. It also reveals some important differences between Islam and Christianity. Of course, there are similarities as well. The main one is that Muslims,...