Not Without My Daughter

Not Without My Daughter

Could the film be made today? Not Without My Daughter is a 1991 film about an American citizen and her young daughter who accompany her Iranian-born husband on a two-week visit to his family in Iran—only to discover that the “visit” is intended to be permanent. Once...
Midterm Machinations

Midterm Machinations

Watch out for foul play. The midterm elections are just over 3 months away.  It’s expected that they will be contentious.  But chances are they’ll be much more contentious than most expect. Why?  Because Democrats are in danger of losing control of the...
Francis Forgives Everyone

Francis Forgives Everyone

Is he more merciful than Jesus? In a recent article I made the case that the main thrust of the Francis papacy is to de-emphasize sin.  Whatever he might say about a moral issue such as abortion, same-sex marriage, or adultery, Francis has consistently given his...
Natural Law and the Abortion Debate

Natural Law and the Abortion Debate

Don’t confuse natural law with doing what comes naturally. When debating the heated moral issues of the day, such as abortion, same-sex marriage and transgender ideology, people of faith often invoke the natural law to show that their position is backed not only by...
Pelosi, the Pope, and Pachamama

Pelosi, the Pope, and Pachamama

Francis says sin is serious, but acts as though it’s trivial. Suppose your local district attorney complains loudly about the rise of violent crime in your city, yet consistently allows violent criminals to go free on low bail—even those with a long history of...