Where’s Islam?

Where’s Islam?

A significant omission in an otherwise good book. The New Apologetics is a collection of 41 essays by noted Catholic apologists. It’s a valuable book for those who are interested in spreading the Christian faith in a time of secularism and relativism, as well as for...
Are Aircraft Carriers Unsinkable?

Are Aircraft Carriers Unsinkable?

As war in the Pacific draws closer, it’s time to rethink our military strategy The FBI raid on Donald Trump’s estate has temporarily pushed the China threat out of the headlines.  But, of course, the threat is still there and so is the question of how to...
Is the Koran a Literary Masterpiece?

Is the Koran a Literary Masterpiece?

One of the most potent weapons in the ideological war with Islam is the Koran itself.  The Islamic faith rests on the belief that God himself wrote it—not that it was written by men under the inspiration of God, but that God composed it entirely. How do we...