Bishops Ignore Laws of Probability, Chase After Red Herring
“Only a blind man can deny that there is great confusion in the Church.” ∼ Carlo Cardinal Caffarra Cardinal Caffarra was speaking about the confusion surrounding Amoris Laetitia and the Church’s teaching about marriage and divorce. But much the same could be said...

Jihad: Searching for a Motive
After the truck attack on a Christmas market in Berlin and the murder of a Russian ambassador in Ankara, Bishop Nuncio Galantino assured the press that the attacks were not motivated by religion but by money. Such acts, said the head of the Italian bishop’s...

Should Different Religions Be Treated Differently?
When the planning board of Bernards Township, New Jersey, turned down a plan to build a mosque, the local Islamic society turned around and sued the town for discrimination. Now, a federal judge has ruled that a parking requirement imposed by the township on the...

Multiculturalism: Islamic Style
“Schoolchildren banned from singing Silent Night over fears it will offend other religions.” So reads a headline in the Express. Instead of singing the lyrics which might “offend other religions,” schoolchildren in Bresciano, Italy were told to hum the tune. If you...

Militant Islam and the Year of the Mass Delusion
2016 ought to go down as the year of the greatest mass delusion in history—a delusion beside which the witch manias, the South Sea bubble panic, and the Dutch tulip mania pale in comparison. Unlike other collective delusions, however, this one has a twist. Social...

Our Responsibility to Criticize Islam
A commonplace has emerged among media and political elites that criticism of Islam or even of radical Islam will only serve to drive moderate Muslims into the radical camp. That argument should be questioned because it can just as easily be that lack of criticism has...

The Spirit of Christmas and the Spirit of Islam
“The man that hath no music in himself/ Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds/ Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils.” –William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice Every year around this time, Ibrahim Hooper, the spokesperson for the Council on...

How To Appease Islam
In Cremona, Italy, Fr. Sante Braggiè has announced that there will be no nativity scene at the local cemetery. “A small corner of the cemetery is reserved for Muslim graves,” said Fr. Braggiè; “A crib positioned within sight of them could be seen as a lack of...

The Prophet Who Stole Christmas
Behold! The angels said: O Mary! God giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him. His name will be Jesus Christ, the son of Mary, held in honor in this world and the Hereafter and in (the company of) those nearest to God. “Before searching for this quote in the New...