A Moment of Silence Becomes a Moment of Truth
You may have heard about the Saudi soccer team that refused to observe a minute of silence for the London terror victims. And then, again, maybe you haven’t heard about it. The media doesn’t like to report news that puts Islam in a bad light. They’ll report jihad...

Why the Odds Favor Islam
On May 22, an Islamic suicide bomber detonated himself outside a pop concert in Manchester, England, killing and wounding dozens, many of them young children. The terrorist was a 22-year-old named Salman Abedi. A few days after the attack, I was reading an article...

Terrorism, Islam, and Immigration
Whenever a new terrorist attack is reported, I’m reminded of that LifeLock commercial about a bank robbery. After a group of masked robbers smash into the bank, the uniformed officer on duty explains to frightened customers that he’s not a security guard, only a...

The Manchester Bomber: Martyr or Murderer?
The most radical part of President Trump’s speech in Saudi Arabia was not the moment when he referred to “Islamic extremism” and “Islamic terror,” but the next moment when he said, “Religious leaders must make this absolutely clear… If you choose the path of terror,...

Falling Off the Demographic Cliff
Friends who visit Europe with large families in tow tell me they soon become “tourist attractions” themselves. Europeans are used to Muslims with large families. But Americans? People from a prosperous developed nation? How odd. Don’t they know that children get in...

A Strategy for Fighting the Cold War with Islam
I’m reading Paul Kengor’s splendid book, A Pope and a President, and it got me to thinking—as everything does these days—about Islam. Kengor’s book tell the story of the partnership between Pope John Paul II and Ronald Reagan, and the role the two played in defeating...

Islam–The View from Disney Country
The Diocese of Orlando recently reprimanded a sixth grade teacher at a Catholic school for an “unfortunate exhibit of disrespect.” What did he do? He provided printouts to students of St. John Bosco’s negative assessment of Islam. St. John Bosco called Islam a...

Are the “Vast Majority” of Muslims Moderate?
It’s often said that the vast majority of Muslims are moderate. But as the newspapers like to remind us about other matters, this is asserted “without any evidence.” In fact, what evidence we do have suggests that it’s a dubious proposition. Where, exactly, do all...

What Catholics Can Learn About Islam from a Former Muslim
Many Catholics look upon Islam as an ally in the struggle against militant secularism. Since Muslims are opposed to permissiveness, pornography, same-sex “marriage,” and other aspects of the secularist agenda, many Catholics assume that they must share similar values...

Catholic Enablers of Islam
I recently wrote a piece about the civilizational struggle with Islam. In response, a reader asked for some specific practical ways that Catholics could resist Islam. I replied with a short list of steps Church leaders could take: Break off dialogue with Muslim...