Islamic Family Values
Just as it’s not a good idea to read too much into the cross tattooed on the bicep of the otherwise threatening biker at the bar, it’s best not to read too much into the occasional concessions toward Christianity we find in Islam. For some Catholics, it seems to be...

Islam: A Giant Step Backwards for Humanity
One of the big mysteries of our day is how so many supposedly enlightened Catholics have managed to get it so wrong about Islam for so long. It’s understandable that in the 1960s, when the Islamic world was relatively quiescent, Catholics might entertain the high...

Responding to Jihad: Going about our Business or Getting Down to Business
In the wake of the jihad truck attack on a New York City bike path, politicians and the press responded with the usual reassurances that follow like night follows day. NYC Mayor de Blasio said, “The last thing we should do is start casting dispersions [sic] on whole...

Is Canada Committing Cultural Suicide?
The good news is that ISIS has been defeated in Mosul and Raqqa, and may soon be driven entirely out of Iraq and Syria. The bad news is that Islamists continue to pile up victory after victory on the home front. The home front war is basically a culture war. Islamists...

Eastern European Resistance to Islamization
If you’ve ever seen Casablanca, you won’t have forgotten the scene in Rick’s Cafe where the German officers who are singing “Die Wacht am Rhein” are drowned out by the French patrons who burst into a rousing rendition of the “Marseillaise.” Something similar happened...

The Pope, the Bishops, Muhammad and Migration
As part of a two-year campaign to promote the acceptance of migrants, the USCCB is issuing a brochure titled “Our Faith Teaches: Welcoming the Refugee and Migrant.” Among other things, the brochure reminds us that Jesus was a migrant and refugee. The implication is...

A Dark-Forces Assault on the Church?
For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities and powers … against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Eph. 6:12) It’s not easy to discern the role played by the spiritual hosts of wickedness in world affairs....

The Next Scandal in the Church
In a recent article, Fr. James Schall, S.J. argues that “The only real way to eliminate the historic aggressiveness of Islam is to convert its believers.” Yet if you had to bet, “the conversion of the world to Islam is, in the long run, more likely than its conversion...

The Normalization of Delusional Thinking
I sometimes wonder how so many people can be in denial about the danger posed by Islam to the rest of the world. The textual, historical, and statistical evidence that Islam is an aggressive religion is overwhelming, but very few are willing to look at it. On the one...

Submission. That’s what the word “Islam” means. Muslims must submit to Allah, and the rest of the world must eventually submit to Islam. Submission does not necessarily require conversion, but it does require that one acknowledge the superiority of Islam, pay the...