The Secret Religion of Our Elites Which Our Own Kids Are Joining: Gnosticism
Part 1 of a two-part series A 2023 Gallup poll found that the percentage of Americans who identify as spiritual rather than religious has increased. And among Democrats, more people now describe themselves as spiritual (41%) than as religious (37%). However, according...

Decoding the Constitution
Suppose someone offered you a shiny quarter in exchange for the tattered $10 bill in your wallet. Would you bite? Silly question. But that’s the kind of exchange proffered in The Da Vinci Code, and apparently, a lot of people are biting. Many scholars have criticized...

Massacre in Moscow
Pope Francis has frequently claimed that Islam and Catholicism share much in common and he has often drawn a moral equivalence between the two faiths. For example, after the murder of French priest Father Jacques Hamel by two Islamic terrorists, he compared the murder...

Biden and Bergoglio
Are the Similarities Mere Coincidence or Something More? Many commentators have noted that there are a remarkable number of similarities between President Joe Biden and Pope Francis. A partial list would include the fact that one man is the leader of the Western...

The Mystery of the Missing Motive
Back in January, Bezhani Sarvar, a Muslim security guard attacked The City Hall in Edmonton , Canada with a firearm and Molotov cocktails. In a four minute online video, he explained to his "brothers and sisters before I do my mission" that he was taking revenge for...

The Sterility Epidemic
And its causes. Although Mark Steyn writes knowledgeably about a great many topics, he keeps returning to what he calls the biggest story of our time—the planet’s demographic death spiral. The decline in population is a global phenomenon, but it’s happening faster in...

The Church and the Devil
If the Church is doing the Devil’s will, why does he attack it? In case you didn’t know, the Internet is full of videos bashing the Catholic Church. Most of these are produced by fundamentalist or born-again Christians, some of whom are ex-Catholics. They insist that...

Giving the Devil His Due
Satan’s Role in Sowing Chaos The publication of the Vatican declaration on same-sex blessings has generated a great deal of resistance within the Catholic Church. Numerous bishops in various parts of the world have refused to comply with its directives, and the...

Francis’s Disastrous Influence on World Affairs
I’ve written frequently about the great harm that Pope Francis has done to the Catholic Church as the result of his subtle and not-so-subtle attacks on Catholic teaching, Catholic tradition, Catholic morality, and Catholic liturgy. But it’s also important to realize...

Empty Hell? Empty Head? Empty Church?
Does Francis Know What He’s Doing? It’s often said that Satan’s greatest achievement is to convince people that he doesn’t exist. If we believe he doesn’t exist, then there is less motivation for us to avoid temptation and more likelihood that we will fall into sin...