Upside-Down Land

Upside-Down Land

What happens when a civilization loses all of its reference points? I came across two stories recently that seem to be connected—if you look at them in the right way. By coincidence, the subject of the first story is…looking at things in the right way.  A German...

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Campus Protestors Need to Do Some Homework

Campus Protestors Need to Do Some Homework

Recently, I was watching Fox News’s coverage of the campus protests when a slightly surreal scene appeared on the screen. About 35 Muslims were gathered somewhere on a campus lawn—the men in front and the women in the back — reciting evening prayers. The women were...

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Body and Soul

Body and Soul

The Trouble with being Spiritual There’s nothing wrong with being spiritual, but there is something wrong with being solely spiritual since we are created as a combination of body and spirit. Nevertheless, Christians throughout history have been tempted to turn the...

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Decoding the Constitution

Decoding the Constitution

Suppose someone offered you a shiny quarter in exchange for the tattered $10 bill in your wallet. Would you bite? Silly question. But that’s the kind of exchange proffered in The Da Vinci Code, and apparently, a lot of people are biting. Many scholars have criticized...

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Massacre in Moscow

Massacre in Moscow

Pope Francis has frequently claimed that Islam and Catholicism share much in common and he has often drawn a moral equivalence between the two faiths. For example, after the murder of French priest Father Jacques Hamel by two Islamic terrorists, he compared the murder...

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Biden and Bergoglio

Biden and Bergoglio

Are the Similarities Mere Coincidence or Something More? Many commentators have noted that there are a remarkable number of similarities between President Joe Biden and Pope Francis. A partial list would include the fact that one man is the leader of the Western...

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