The Church’s Islam Problem

The Church’s Islam Problem

After a series of terror attacks in France, including one that left three people dead at a Catholic Church in Nice, Vatican Cardinal Robert Sarah said that the West must wake up to the threat of Islamism. “Islamism,” His Eminence said, “is a monstrous fanaticism which...

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Covering-up for Islam      

Covering-up for Islam      

Everyone knows about the cover-up of the priestly abuse scandal in the Catholic Church, and the great damage it has caused. But did you know that the Church has been engaged in another, even bigger cover-up? This cover-up has received little attention, but in the long...

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The Popular Belief That Empties Churches

The Popular Belief That Empties Churches

The devastating impact of the premise that people are essentially good. In a recent Front Page column, Dennis Prager criticizes the idea that people are basically good.  The belief that humans are inherently good is both “foolish” and “dangerous,” writes Prager,...

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The Light that Shines in the Darkness

The Light that Shines in the Darkness

How Christmas gives meaning to life. When Samuel Huntington wrote “The Clash of Civilizations,” he was referring to the clash between Western Civilization and Islam.  But there is a clash within Western Civilization itself which may determine the outcome of the...

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The Spirit of Christmas and the Spirit of Islam

The Spirit of Christmas and the Spirit of Islam

How much do Christians and Muslims have in common? Plenty of clues can be found in the celebration of Christmas. “The man that hath no music in himself/ Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds/ Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils” –William Shakespeare,...

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