Giving the Devil His Due

Giving the Devil His Due

Satan’s Role in Sowing Chaos The publication of the Vatican declaration on same-sex blessings has generated a great deal of resistance within the Catholic Church. Numerous bishops in various parts of the world have refused to comply with its directives, and the...
Francis’s Disastrous Influence on World Affairs

Francis’s Disastrous Influence on World Affairs

I’ve written frequently about the great harm that Pope Francis has done to the Catholic Church as the result of his subtle and not-so-subtle attacks on Catholic teaching, Catholic tradition, Catholic morality, and Catholic liturgy. But it’s also important to realize...
 Empty Hell? Empty Head?  Empty Church?

 Empty Hell? Empty Head?  Empty Church?

Does Francis Know What He’s Doing? It’s often said that Satan’s greatest achievement is to convince people that he doesn’t exist. If we believe he doesn’t exist, then there is less motivation for us to avoid temptation and more likelihood that we will fall into sin...
Jaws — Jihad Version

Jaws — Jihad Version

Are the beaches really safe? I watched Jaws the other night on TV and it reminded me—as everything does these days—of jihad. In fact, there are some instructive parallels between the plot of Jaws and the official narrative about jihad. In the film, a great white shark...
The Times they are A-Changin’

The Times they are A-Changin’

Should the Church Follow Suit? Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez the head of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith just announced that his office is preparing a “very important” document titled “Tickle Me with Your Toes: The Art of Erotic Pedicure.” Oops! My...