by William Kilpatrick | Feb 6, 2023
What happens when a civilization loses all of its reference points? I came across two stories recently that seem to be connected—if you look at them in the right way. By coincidence, the subject of the first story is…looking at things in the right way. A German...
by William Kilpatrick | Feb 1, 2023
And its causes. Although Mark Steyn writes knowledgeably about a great many topics, he keeps returning to what he calls the biggest story of our time—the planet’s demographic death spiral. The decline in population is a global phenomenon, but it’s happening faster in...
by William Kilpatrick | Jan 24, 2023
Has it already passed? Those who make a business of projecting trends often neglect the acceleration factor. The march of history may be usefully described as “slowly” followed by “suddenly.” Yet we are rarely prepared for those times when history seems to...
by William Kilpatrick | Jan 11, 2023
The trans craze suggests that we are highly vulnerable. Kim Ghattas’s book, Black Wave, describes the revolutionary fervor which swept across much of the Muslim world in the wake of the Iranian Revolution of 1979. The movement was marked by the sudden reappearance of...
by William Kilpatrick | Dec 13, 2022
Pro-LGBT bishops lose big in recent election. The bad news is that the lunatic fringe of the Catholic Church is no longer on the fringes. Each new day brings more evidence that the lunatics are in charge. Some examples? A drag queen activist lectures...