by William Kilpatrick | Mar 29, 2023
This article from a year ago is relevant to this weeks school shooting in Nashville. Watch for trans activists to use the Nashville massacre as an excuse for doubling-down on their transgender agenda in the schools. In the wake of the horrific massacre of 19 children...
by William Kilpatrick | Mar 15, 2023
When Samuel Huntington wrote “The Clash of Civilizations,” he was referring to the clash between Western Civilization and Islam. But there is a clash within Western Civilization itself which may determine the outcome of the clash between Islam and the West. Mark...
by William Kilpatrick | Mar 8, 2023
Why some say “no.” Many in the Catholic media tend to cover-up for Pope Francis either by putting the best possible interpretation on his actions or else by failing to report news that might be damaging to his image. One of the main stories that the Catholic media...
by William Kilpatrick | Feb 22, 2023
Like today’s leftists, the Ottoman Turks wanted to turn Christian children against their parents; but one man turned the tables on them. Christianity was saved in Europe solely because the peoples of Europe fought. If [Europeans]…had not possessed a military equality...
by William Kilpatrick | Feb 15, 2023
The real problem with multiculturalism. Was there a flaw in my argument? That’s what I wondered after submitting a piece to Front Page on the Islamization of Europe. I argued that several large European cities were nearing a population tipping-point after which they...