by William Kilpatrick | Jul 12, 2023
The promises of transgender ideology, like the promises of Satan, lead not to self-actualization but to self-destruction. Catholics are divided about what to think of the transgender movement. On the one hand, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops warns...
by William Kilpatrick | Jul 4, 2023
Remember, it’s all about dignity. In Cremona, Italy, recently, an LGBTQ+ pride march included a topless mannequin of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The bishop of Cremona, Antonio Napolioni responded by saying he was “shocked at…the offensive and obviously blasphemous...
by William Kilpatrick | Jun 28, 2023
Fr. James Martin seems to think that LGBTQ+ love is a special way of loving that shouldn’t be governed by the rules that apply to others. “We are all sinners.” It’s true, of course; but it’s a phrase that can become a platitude when it’s overused. Currently, the...
by William Kilpatrick | Jun 21, 2023
If you’re looking for a single sign that the world’s going to Hell, my candidate would be the queering of the U.S. military. Are these the end-times? There’s been a lot of speculation along those lines in the last few years. Of course, there are always reasons to...
by William Kilpatrick | Jun 13, 2023
You can argue about whether God designed the pelvis this way or whether nature did, but it is an anatomical fact that children should know. It’s a fact that gives children an objective basis on which to discern who’s telling the truth about gender and who is not. They...