The Darkness of Transgenderism

The Darkness of Transgenderism

The promises of transgender ideology, like the promises of Satan, lead not to self-actualization but to self-destruction. Catholics are divided about what to think of the transgender movement. On the one hand, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops warns...
Should Catholics Celebrate Pride Month?

Should Catholics Celebrate Pride Month?

Remember, it’s all about dignity. In Cremona, Italy, recently, an LGBTQ+ pride march included a topless mannequin of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The bishop of Cremona, Antonio Napolioni responded by saying he was “shocked at…the offensive and obviously blasphemous...
Love Me, Love My Sins?

Love Me, Love My Sins?

Fr. James Martin seems to think that LGBTQ+ love is a special way of loving that shouldn’t be governed by the rules that apply to others. “We are all sinners.” It’s true, of course; but it’s a phrase that can become a platitude when it’s overused. Currently, the...
Go Woke and Go Up in Smoke?

Go Woke and Go Up in Smoke?

If you’re looking for a single sign that the world’s going to Hell, my candidate would be the queering of the U.S. military. Are these the end-times? There’s been a lot of speculation along those lines in the last few years. Of course, there are always reasons to...