by William Kilpatrick | Nov 1, 2023
This is not another Pope Francis-is-a-threat-to-the-Faith piece. I’ve written a number of articles on that subject in recent months. No, this is a Pope Francis-is-a-threat-to-world-peace piece. How so? Well, in two main ways. First, by lending moral support to...
by William Kilpatrick | Oct 24, 2023
Francis continues to make a mess In a recent piece for Crisis, Regis Martin observes that many of the participants in the Synod on Synodality favor same-sex blessings even though the Church has no authority to bless sinful relationships. At the end of his...
by William Kilpatrick | Oct 18, 2023
Is Francis a false prophet? Some Catholics claim that he is. They refer to him as “the false prophet, the forerunner of the antichrist.” However, before addressing the charge it’s important to ask a prior question—namely, is it at all possible for such a thing to...
by William Kilpatrick | Oct 10, 2023
Francis elevates one of his closest associates – after he describes Jesus as “indifferent,” “angry and insensitive,” and “mocking and disrespectful.” One of Francis’ closest associates, Fr. Antonio Spadaro, SJ, recently gave a controversial sermon that could...
by William Kilpatrick | Oct 4, 2023
Or is it time to slow down? Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich of Luxembourg, one of the Church’s leading prelates, has called for a revision of Catholic teaching on homosexuality. Why? Well, because “the Church has always moved with the times and has always...