Turning Point Project https://turningpointproject.com/ Educating Catholics about the Threat from Islam Wed, 05 Mar 2025 01:53:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://turningpointproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/cropped-turning-point-favicon-32x32.jpg Turning Point Project https://turningpointproject.com/ 32 32 The Church’s Islam Problem https://turningpointproject.com/the-churchs-islam-problem-2/ https://turningpointproject.com/the-churchs-islam-problem-2/#respond Wed, 05 Mar 2025 01:53:25 +0000 https://turningpointproject.com/?p=2086 The Church’s Islam Problem

After a series of terror attacks in France, including one that left three people dead at a Catholic Church in Nice, Vatican Cardinal Robert Sarah said that the West must wake up to the threat of Islamism. “Islamism,” His Eminence said, “is a monstrous fanaticism which must be fought with force and determination.”

But you can’t fight something with determination unless you first believe it exists. Unfortunately, many authorities in the West, including many of Sarah’s fellow cardinals and bishops, refuse to acknowledge the existence of some obvious facts about Islam.

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The Church’s Islam Problem

After a series of terror attacks in France, including one that left three people dead at a Catholic Church in Nice, Vatican Cardinal Robert Sarah said that the West must wake up to the threat of Islamism. “Islamism,” His Eminence said, “is a monstrous fanaticism which must be fought with force and determination.”

But you can’t fight something with determination unless you first believe it exists. Unfortunately, many authorities in the West, including many of Sarah’s fellow cardinals and bishops, refuse to acknowledge the existence of some obvious facts about Islam. Cardinal Sarah is one of a few prelates willing to break with the semiofficial narrative about Islam now prevalent in the Church—namely, that terrorists who kill in the name of Islam both misunderstand and pervert their religion.

Secular authorities, particularly in Europe, have adopted a similar line. There’s nothing wrong with Islam, they maintain; jihadists have simply misunderstood their faith. Thus, government-sponsored “deradicalization” programs are based on the premise that learning more about Islam will cure the would-be jihadist of his extremism.

But that works only if authentic Islam really is the religion of peace, justice, fraternity, and equality that secular and Church leaders hold it to be.

In fact, the deradicalization programs in France and other countries haven’t been very successful. Why? Because, as a number of European studies have concluded, increased devotion among Muslims correlates with increased radicalization. After reviewing an extensive German study, Danish psychologist Nicolai Sennels observed, “the many interviews showed that Islam is distinguished by being the only religion that makes people more prone to violence the more religious one becomes.”

Indeed, the FBI used to list “increased religiosity” as one of the signs of potential terrorist activity. Then, in what might be considered a sign of increased leftist activity, the Obama administration purged the FBI training programs of all materials that might be considered offensive to Islam. So, when mild-mannered graduate student Muhammad Jones suddenly starts growing a beard, wearing long robes and attending mosque five times a week, you’re not supposed to notice.

With this in mind, let’s look at the assailants in the recent attacks in France. All three were heard to shout “Allahu akbar” as they attacked their victims. One shouldn’t jump to conclusions, of course, but the invocation of Allah does suggest a religious motive, doesn’t it? After beheading a teacher for “insulting” Muhammad, Abdullah Anzorov sent a message to a contact saying that he had “avenged the Prophet.” According to an AFP report, locals in the Normandy town where Anzorov lived remarked that he had become increasingly religious in recent years. Apparently so. In his last message before being killed by police, Anzorov made a final request: “Brothers, pray that Allah accepts me as a martyr.”

The behavior of the other two terrorist also suggests a religious motivation. Brahim Aoussaoui, a Tunisian migrant who killed three people inside the Basilica of Notre Dame in Nice on October 29, also tried to behead one of his victims—one of the punishments that is prescribed in the Koran for blasphemers. Not coincidentally, Aoussaoui was carrying a Koran. The other not-so-coincidental feature of his attack was that he targeted a Catholic Church. Why? Well, quite possibly because the Koran encourages Muslims to “kill [unbelievers] wherever you find them” (2:191). To borrow a phrase from Senator Feinstein, one might say of Mr. Aoussaoui that “the dogma lives loudly” within him.

But, with a few exceptions, no one in the Church or the world wants to admit that Islamic dogma, not “a desire to divide us,” is what motivates young jihadis to commit murder. Take the case of the third jihadi, twenty-five-year-old Zaheer Mahmoud. On September 25, he severely wounded two people with a meat cleaver outside the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo, the satirical weekly that published the infamous Muhammad cartoons.

Before the attack. Mahmoud posted a video saying he wanted to avenge the Prophet Muhammad for the offense committed by the Charlie Hebdo staff. He must, one assumes, be a devout Muslim. Although Mahmoud was not killed in his subsequent encounter with police, he was, it seems, quite willing to die for the sake of Allah and Muhammad. By any standard that is a clear sign of devotion. His mother recounts that her son had told family members in Pakistan of his plans prior to the attack, and asked for their prayers.

So, the case of Zaheer Mahmoud seems to confirm the finding that devout Muslims may be more prone to jihad than their more lukewarm coreligionists. Still, we are told incessantly that the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful moderates. Surely, Mahmoud must have misunderstood his religion. N’est-ce pas?

Well, if that was the case, we would expect that Mahmoud’s mother would have rushed to the authorities the minute she heard of her son’s plans to massacre a bunch of people in Paris.

But she didn’t. Indeed, according to Roznama Ummat, a Pakistani newspaper, the whole family was quite proud of the son. Not only that, but “Zaheer Mahmoud is being considered a hero across all of Pakistan.” As Zaheer’s father explained, “Whatever Zaheer has done, it’s very good. The punishment for committing blasphemy of the prophet is death, and the blasphemer deserves nothing less than death. The one who kills those who commit blasphemy against the prophet enters paradise and his entire family will go to paradise. This is the reason I feel very proud that my son has carried out such a good deed.”

So, Zaheer was not a rogue zealot. His deed reflected the sentiments of many in Pakistan. Indeed, this habit of honoring the avengers of Allah and Muhammad is widespread in the Muslim world. In Palestine, for instance, numerous streets, squares, parks, and schools are named in honor of “martyrs”—that is, Palestinians who have murdered innocent Israeli men, women, and children. In the case of Israelis, it’s not even necessary that they utter a blasphemy. The mere fact that they are Jews is offensive to Allah and therefore sufficient justification for their execution.

What’s more, the Palestinian government’s “pay for slay” program—the awarding of lifelong stipends to the families of the “martyrs”—acts as an incentive to ensure that more “good” sons will make their parents proud, and earn them a ticket to paradise to boot.

Meanwhile, back in France, the delusion that the Allah of the Koran and the God worshipped by Christians and Jews is one and the same continues. In a statement issued by the Archdiocese of Paris, Archbishop Aupetit said he was “stunned by this murderous madness in the name of God.” Don’t the Muslims know that Allah is a God of love?

At the same time, the bishops of France issued a statement suggesting that they too subscribe to the belief that when Muslims murder in the name of Allah, it is because they misunderstand the peaceful nature of their faith. Thus, “it is urgent that this gangrene be stopped, as it is urgent that we find the indispensable fraternity which will hold us all upright in the face of these threats.”

The use of the term “gangrene” suggests that the bishops believe that the death penalty for blasphemy is some sort of unhealthy development in an otherwise sound system. But that’s not the case. Killing blasphemers is sanctioned in the Koran, the hadith, and the Islamic law books. As Islam scholar Raymond Ibrahim observes, Westerners have fallen for the notion that “killing blasphemers is somehow strange or ‘extreme’ for Islam, when it is and always has been standard.”

The fact that numerous Muslim leaders all over the world have expressed more concern over the blasphemy than the beheadings suggests that it is the bishops, not the jihadists, who have misunderstood Islam. They seem to have created in their imaginations a fantasy Islam, one that bears little relation to the real one.

This habit of wishful thinking is confirmed in the clause immediately following the one that describes the prescribed sharia penalty for blasphemy as a “gangrene.” “It is urgent,” the bishops write, “that we find the indispensable fraternity which will hold us all upright in the face of these threats.”

Fraternity? Muslims and Christians do share a common humanity, and it’s important to keep that in mind. However, movements to base a workable society on simple human fraternity, like the French Revolution, always end up in totalitarian regimes. The brotherhood of man without the fatherhood of God is a formula for disaster. The trouble with trying to create a fraternity with Islam is that Muslims and Christians do not share a common theology. For starters, Muslims don’t believe that God is a father. In fact, it’s blasphemy to say that he is.

Catholics are deeply confused about Islam. Because there are surface similarities between the two faiths, many have jumped to the conclusion that fellowship with Islam is just a step away. The latest example of this overly optimistic assessment of Islam is the recent encyclical Fratelli Tutti (“Brothers All”). After reading Fratelli Tutti, one could easily come away with the impression that Islam is a humanistic religion.

Fratelli Tutti contains a reminder from the “Human Fraternity” document signed by Pope Francis and Grand Imam Ahmed al-Tayyeb that religious violence is “the consequence of a deviation from religious teachings.”

That may be true of some religions, but it is becoming increasingly clear that Islamic violence is very often a direct consequence of following the teachings of Islam. Catholic leaders and Catholic scholars (such as Thomas Aquinas) once knew that and taught it.

The bishops of France say “it is urgent we find the indispensable fraternity which will hold us all upright.” It seems much more urgent that they locate copies of the Koran and The Life of Muhammad, and acquaint themselves with the teachings of Islam.

This article originally appeared in the November 5, 2020 edition of Crisis.

Pictured above: Sacre Coeur, Montmarte, France

Photo credit: Pixabay

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Covering-up for Islam       https://turningpointproject.com/covering-up-for-islam/ https://turningpointproject.com/covering-up-for-islam/#respond Tue, 25 Feb 2025 05:37:40 +0000 https://turningpointproject.com/?p=2083 Covering-up for Islam      

Everyone knows about the cover-up of the priestly abuse scandal in the Catholic Church, and the great damage it has caused.

But did you know that the Church has been engaged in another, even bigger cover-up? This cover-up has received little attention, but in the long run it may prove to be much more damaging than the first in terms of lives ruined and lives lost.

The cover-up I refer to is the whitewashing of Islam that began with the Second Vatican Council and continues to this day.

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Covering-up for Islam      

Everyone knows about the cover-up of the priestly abuse scandal in the Catholic Church, and the great damage it has caused.

But did you know that the Church has been engaged in another, even bigger cover-up? This cover-up has received little attention, but in the long run it may prove to be much more damaging than the first in terms of lives ruined and lives lost.

The cover-up I refer to is the whitewashing of Islam that began with the Second Vatican Council and continues to this day.

It began with the best of intentions, and the main intention was to improve relations between Catholics and Muslims. Thus, the Council Fathers drew up a document that emphasized supposed commonalities between the two faiths, and ignored the deep divisions. Catholics were informed that, like us, Muslims worship one God, revere Jesus, honor Mary, pray regularly, fast, and follow the same moral code as Christians.

These were half-truths at best, but this highly misleading picture of Islam soon entered the curriculums of Catholic schools, universities, and seminaries. What the Vatican Council said about Islam seemed to fit in nicely with the great emphasis on tolerance and inclusion that marked the sixties and the decades that followed.

Then came 9/11, and suddenly a great many people began to have second thoughts about Islam. But by this time the Church was so committed to a rose-colored view of Islam that Church leaders merely reinforced the secular elite view that 9/11 was an aberration that did not reflect Islamic belief.

Thus, Catholics were informed that “Islam” means “peace,” that “violence has nothing to do with Islam,” and that the 9/11 attack had been carried out by a “handful of radicals” who had “hijacked” their religion.

The trouble with this naïve interpretation of events was that terror attacks continued—in America, Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Moreover, the terrorist leaders seemed much better acquainted with the teachings of Islam than moderate Muslims. As it turned out, 9/11 was not an aberration at all. Rather, it was more in keeping with Islamic teachings and traditions than the whitewashed version.

Despite the accumulating evidence that violence does have something to do with Islam, Catholic leaders did not reconsider their Pollyannish view of Islam. Instead, their simplistic notions became the semi-official position of the Vatican.

In short, the Church became complicit in covering-up the dark and violent side of Islam. And that’s where the scandal comes in. Many lives have been lost over the last 25 years because the Church seemed to be vouching for the peaceful nature of Islam. As a consequence, Catholics all over the world let down their guard against Islamic aggression, and many paid the price.

What the Church taught about Islam had left them unprepared for the reality of Islam. Thus, Europeans were slow to realize that letting millions of Muslim migrants cross their borders would result in murder and mayhem in once peaceful cities and towns. Knife attacks became common. So did suicide attacks, vehicular attacks, and attacks on Christmas markets and concert halls. In the UK, some 250,000 English school girls were raped and prostituted by Muslim “grooming gangs” over a period of 25 years.

In Asia and Africa, unprepared Catholics and other Christians have suffered even greater persecution at the hands of Muslim jihadists.

In Africa, the assaults have reached genocidal proportions. It’s estimated that in Nigeria alone, some 4,000 Christians are killed for their faith each year. Meanwhile other live in constant fear of machete and rifle attacks, of burned-out villages, of abduction, rape, and forced conversions. Just two weeks ago, Open Doors International reported that 70 Christians were found dead in a church in the Congo. They had been beheaded by Islamic jihadists. You may not have heard of this latest atrocity because the mainstream media aren’t particularly interested in what happens to African Christians. In addition, many Catholic media outlets avoid stories that put Islam in a bad light, preferring instead to run articles on Lenten recipes, and other “crucial” topics.

Meanwhile, whenever the Vatican comments on the “conflict” in Africa, it invariably places the blame, not on Islamic ideology, but—believe it or not—on climate change!

The Church’s cover-up of Islamic aggression has been going on for decades, and it’s been accompanied by a misleading campaign to portray Islam as a fellow “Abrahamic religion” not unlike Catholicism. It’s a scandal of epic proportions, but it will only grow worse until Catholics find the courage to talk about it.

Pictured above: A covered-up young lady

Photo credit: Pixabay

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Common Sense and the Cult of Multiculturalism https://turningpointproject.com/common-sense-and-the-cult-of-multiculturalism/ Mon, 03 Feb 2025 02:00:51 +0000 https://turningpointproject.com/?p=2079 Common Sense and the Cult of Multiculturalism

Multiculturalism, which started off with the proposition that all differences must be respected, eventually developed into something like a sacrificial religious cult. Over the last two decades, it has claimed many victims.

The prime example is the Pakistani rape gangs scandal in the UK. Over the course of thirty years, an estimated 250,000 working-class girls were abducted, drugged, serially raped, and prostituted by Pakistani “grooming” gangs. The scandal is that British authorities on every level knew what was happening but did nothing to stop the crimes for fear that they would be considered racists or Islamophobes.

Continue reading Common Sense and the Cult of Multiculturalism at Turning Point Project.

Common Sense and the Cult of Multiculturalism

Multiculturalism, which started off with the proposition that all differences must be respected, eventually developed into something like a sacrificial religious cult. Over the last two decades, it has claimed many victims.

The prime example is the Pakistani rape gangs scandal in the UK. Over the course of thirty years, an estimated 250,000 working-class girls were abducted, drugged, serially raped, and prostituted by Pakistani “grooming” gangs. The scandal is that British authorities on every level knew what was happening but did nothing to stop the crimes for fear that they would be considered racists or Islamophobes.

According to former Minister for Immigration, Robert Jenrick:

“The rule of law was abandoned to sustain the myth that diversity is our strength, destroying the lives of thousands of working-class white girls in the process.”

Don’t think that the multicultural dogma has been abandoned in England now that everyone knows what happened thanks to Elon Musk’s call for a new investigation. Just last month, a proposal to launch an in-depth national inquiry into the rape gangs scandal was defeated in the House of Commons by 364 votes to 111.

One would also be mistaken to think that the multicultural dogma is confined to England. Many Americans in positions of power still cling to the toxic idea that all people are created equal in intelligence, ability and emotional stability.

Take the recent controversy over the mid-air collision over Reagan National Airport. When President Donald Trump suggested that part of the blame lies with DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) hiring policies adopted by the FAA, Congressional Democrats responded with anger and disbelief. It was as though Trump had violated all Ten Commandments and the Bill of Rights in one fell swoop.

Senator Tim Kaine called Trump’s suggestion “outrageous and stomach-turning.” Senator Chris Murphy said “Everybody in this country should be outraged that Donald Trump is…lying to you.” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said that Trump’s remarks on DEI “just turns your stomach.”

The Democrats were especially put off by remarks Trump made at a White House media briefing. Jobs like air traffic controller, said Trump, should be done by “naturally talented geniuses” and he criticized the Biden administration for allowing people with “intellectual and psychiatric disabilities” to work for the Federal Aviation Administration.

When I heard this, I assumed that Trump was improvising. Surely, the FAA wasn’t putting low-IQ psychopaths into the control towers. But sure enough, Trump was right. Whether or not the FAA had actually put seriously disabled people into positions where they controlled planes carrying hundreds of people, that was what they were aiming to do.

An archived 2013 version of the FAA’s website dealing with “diversity and inclusion” says that part of their mission was to hire those with “targeted disabilities.” These targeted disabilities included “hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability, and dwarfism”. Keep in mind that these targeted conditions would not disqualify an individual, but would improve his or her chances of being hired.

The mind reels at the dangerous possibilities: the epileptic who suffers a seizure just as flight 007 is coming in for a landing; the low-vision controller who can’t be sure if an approaching object is a small aircraft or a flock of geese; the paranoid schizophrenic who believes that his co-workers are all demons.

I exaggerate, of course, but the FAA’s list of targeted disabilities looks like an outline for an SNL skit. But ideologues are not known for their sense of humor or for their common sense. It’s telling that when Trump was asked why he thought that DEI policies played a role in air disaster, he replied “because I have common sense and unfortunately a lot of people don’t.”

An example of a lack of common sense is provided by Maria Town, the president of the American Association of People with Disabilities. She recently said that “preventing the FAA from hiring people with disabilities does not make planes more safe. It just removes opportunities for disabled people.” Most people would disagree. They realize that hiring people with “severe intellectual disability [and] psychiatric disability” as flight controllers does put fliers at increased risk. They realize that when weighed in the balance, the safety of millions of air travelers is far more important than “opportunities for disabled people.” They don’t have to ponder the question for hours. It’s just common sense.

Speaking of people who don’t have much time to ponder their decisions, let’s talk for a minute about pilots. Pilots sometimes have to make split-second life-and-death decisions and, thank God, in the vast majority of cases they make the right decision.

One fact that increases our confidence in commercial airline pilots is that many of them come from military backgrounds. They received their initial training from the Army, the Navy, or the Air Force.

A military background used to be a plus, but that may no longer be the case. Nowadays, in addition to flight training, a military pilot’s education includes many hours of indoctrination in “woke” ideology. Consider the case of General Charles Q. Brown, the current head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and former Air Force Chief of Staff.

Brown has an almost obsessive concern with diversity and inclusion. During his tenure as head of the Air Force, the USAF’s fleet of F-35s suffered a massive decline in readiness due to a shortage of “operating engines.” But an even more serious problem was the lack of operating pilots to fly them due to General Brown having purged the Air Force of white officers and airmen.

Brown instituted new quotas intended to reduce the number of white male pilots from 86 percent to 43 percent while increasing the percentage of Black, Asian, American Indian, Native Hawaiian, and Hispanic/Latino pilots. The new quotas also aimed to increase the number of female pilots. But the vast majority of Blacks, Asians, etc. did not seem terribly interested. Thus, the Air Force’s dangerous shortage of pilots. Predictably, General Brown’s incompetence earned him a promotion. He was appointed to head the Joint Chiefs of Staff, making him the highest-ranking military officer in the U.S.

The Blackhawk helicopter which collided with the American Airlines passenger jet was an Army, not an Air Force plane, but today’s Army is almost as “woke” as the Air Force. The crew of the Blackhawk were described as well-experienced, so it may be that DEI was not a factor in the crash. Still, common sense dictates that training which emphasizes diversity over competence is bound to result in more tragedies.

Fortunately, Trump understands all this. He has issued an executive order called “Keeping America Safe in Aviation” which orders the heads of the FAA and the Department of Transportation to “immediately return to non-discriminatory, merit-based hiring.” His order also directed the airline industry to immediately rescind diversity, equity, and inclusion policies and programs.

Let’s hope that Trump’s “reverse-engines-and-change-course” policy will steer us far away from the suicidal strategies of the Biden administration.

Pictured above: Air traffic control tower

Picture credit: Pixabay

Francis’s Disastrous Influence on World Affairs https://turningpointproject.com/franciss-disastrous-influence-on-world-affairs-2/ Wed, 29 Jan 2025 07:56:27 +0000 https://turningpointproject.com/?p=2075 Francis’s Disastrous Influence on World Affairs

I’ve written frequently about the great harm that Pope Francis has done to the Catholic Church as the result of his subtle and not-so-subtle attacks on Catholic teaching, Catholic tradition, Catholic morality, and Catholic liturgy.

But it’s also important to realize that his misguided views on world affairs have a similarly harmful effect on the lives of Catholics and non-Catholics all over the globe.

This is most obvious in regard to Francis’s encouragement of an open borders immigration policy.

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Francis’s Disastrous Influence on World Affairs

I’ve written frequently about the great harm that Pope Francis has done to the Catholic Church as the result of his subtle and not-so-subtle attacks on Catholic teaching, Catholic tradition, Catholic morality, and Catholic liturgy.

But it’s also important to realize that his misguided views on world affairs have a similarly harmful effect on the lives of Catholics and non-Catholics all over the globe.

This is most obvious in regard to Francis’s encouragement of an open borders immigration policy. His campaign has been aimed for the most part at wealthy Western nations—particularly European countries. Francis regularly reminds Europeans that they have a duty to “welcome the stranger” and provide him or her with all the benefits that natural-born citizens enjoy.

Admittedly, some of the slogans that Francis and other advocates of open borders employ are hard to resist: “build bridges, not walls,” “the holy family were once immigrants,” “if you close the door on the immigrant, you are closing the door on Jesus.”

Of course, this “let-them-all-come-in” approach didn’t start with Francis. The majority of Catholic bishops have long been pro-immigration. In America, for instance, the welcoming attitude that Catholics extended to waves of European immigrants was bolstered by the fact that many bishops were themselves sons or grandsons of immigrants.

The story of immigration into Europe is a more complex tale, but by the end of the 20th century, most Europeans had bought into the idea that immigration was a good thing: it supposedly increased cultural diversity and added to the labor supply, thus keeping the European welfare state afloat.

But things have changed. Recent polls show that Europeans now have mixed feelings about the wisdom of admitting people who do not share their values into their countries. They are particularly worried about the influx of millions of migrants from Muslim countries. In fact, the polls show that a majority of Europeans want a complete halt to Muslim migration.

As might be expected this change of attitude doesn’t sit well with Europe’s bishops. After a meeting with Pope Francis, Bishop Mariano Crociata, the president of the Bishops Conference of the European Union, expressed concern about the upcoming European Parliamentary elections. He was worried about polls which forecast major gains for the “far-right” in the ballot.

“Far-right” is, of course, code for anti-immigration. As Bishop Crociata put it, “[ it is ] unthinkable that Europe, with a rapidly dropping birth rate fails to recognize the need for a contribution such as that of immigrants for its survival.”

His statement echoes the views of Francis on immigration and it also reveals the dangerous naivete of those views.

It’s quite true that the European birth rate is dropping rapidly. At the same time, the Muslim birth rate is rising rapidly. So, the most likely candidates for filling the birth rate gap would be Muslim migrants. But it’s precisely the Islamic culture that these migrants bring with them that worries the “far-right.” And the enormous rise in crime, terrorism and antisemitism—not to mention the widespread vandalism and torching of Christian churches—bears them out.

Moreover, many Muslim leaders, including President Erdogan of Turkey, have made it known that because of its high birth rate and refusal to assimilate, Islam will eventually dominate Europe both culturally and politically.

The only way that Bishop Crociata’s (and Francis’s) idealistic vision could possibly work to the benefit of Europeans would require the mass conversion of Muslims to Christianity. And that is highly unlikely, not only because Islam considers Christianity to be a false religion, but also because the Christian Faith is at a low ebb in most of Europe. If any converting is to be done it will likely be the other way around.

To top it all off, Pope Francis doesn’t believe in conversion. Rather, he believes that all religions share the same basic beliefs and values. Thus, there is no point in converting from one faith to another.

Unfortunately, the naïve view that Islam and Christianity are close cousins is not confined to Francis but is widely shared by Catholic educators across the world. Long before Francis informed us that “authentic Islam and a proper reading of the Koran are opposed to every form of violence,” young Catholics in France, Spain, Italy, Belgium and elsewhere had been led to believe that Catholics and Muslims worship the same God and venerate the same Jesus.

The inculcation of this sentimental view of Islam probably accounts for the fact that many Europeans were totally unprepared for the encounter with the reality of Islam that came with the 2015-2016 mass Muslim migration. Among many other unpleasant surprises, the encounter included a sexual assault by North African Muslims against over a thousand women not far from Cologne Cathedral.

Although Francis is quite shrewd about Church politics, he is alarmingly naïve about other matters. For example, his rose-colored view of Islam is matched by an equally simplistic and uninformed view of communism and the dire consequences of embracing its ideology. It’s quite likely that if Francis rather than John Paul II had been pope at the end of the 20th century, Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe would still be communist. It’s also likely that many young Catholics of today would respond to that scenario with a “What’s wrong with that?” shrug of the shoulders.

This article originally appeared in the February 7, 2024 edition of Turning Point Project.

Pictured above: Pope Francis

Photo credit: Pixabay

Part 2: The Cover-Up: How the West Whitewashes Islam https://turningpointproject.com/the-big-cover-up-part-2-how-the-west-whitewashes-islam/ Mon, 20 Jan 2025 03:00:00 +0000 https://turningpointproject.com/?p=2066 Part 2: The Cover-Up: How the West Whitewashes Islam

A look at why no one tells the truth about Islamic beliefs — but particularly the pope.

In Part 1 of this article, I explained that after 9/11, American and European opinion makers engaged in a massive whitewashing of Islam. What was once the most feared religion in the world was turned by academic and journalistic sleight of hand into a model of moderation and brotherhood that even Quakers could envy.

Continue reading Part 2: The Cover-Up: How the West Whitewashes Islam at Turning Point Project.

Part 2: The Cover-Up: How the West Whitewashes Islam

A look at why no one tells the truth about Islamic beliefs — but particularly the pope.

In Part 1 of this article, I explained that after 9/11, American and European opinion makers engaged in a massive whitewashing of Islam. What was once the most feared religion in the world was turned by academic and journalistic sleight of hand into a model of moderation and brotherhood that even Quakers could envy.

While public schoolteachers and university professors presented students with a sanitized history of Islam, TV reporters and other journalists quickly developed a protocol for dealing with the many jihad attacks that undercut the preferred narrative.

The main tactic was diversion: avoid talking about Islam and concentrate instead on other factors. The recent vehicular attack in New Orleans is instructive in this regard.

Common Tactics

For example, newspaper headlines portrayed the killer, Shamsud-Din Jabbar, as a “Texas man” and a “veteran” who had once served in the U.S. Army, despite the fact that Jabbar had posted Facebook videos making it clear that his actions were part of a “war between believers and disbelievers.” If Jabbar described himself as a true believer, why didn’t reporters do the same? Unsurprisingly, European media outlets use the same tactics. In England, the press refers to a Muslim terrorist as an “Asian man,” and in France he is a “North African man.”

Still another tactic is to refer to the assailant as a “lone wolf” who appears to have no connection to any larger group, movement, or ideology. The intent here is to portray the jihadist as unrepresentative of Islam. For example, Major Nidal Hasan, the perpetrator of the 2010 Fort Hood massacre, was initially described as a lone wolf until it was revealed that he was in close contact with a high-ranking Al-Qaeda operative.

Another variant of the lone-wolf tactic is to avoid mentioning any similar jihadi terror attacks that occurred in the past lest the reader begin to discern a pattern. Thus, when the New Orleans attack happened, relatively few news stories reported that an almost identical one had occurred a week earlier in Magdeburg, Germany. In that incident, a Saudi man drove a rented car at high speed through a crowded Christmas market, killing six people and injuring 300 others.

Reporters say it’s important to provide context for their stories, but apparently context that puts Islam in a bad light is to be avoided. Luckily, they can count on the average news consumer to be largely ignorant of Islam and the fact that vehicular homicide has been a common practice among Islamic terrorists for many years both in Europe and the U.S. How many remember the most destructive of these: the 2016 Bastille Day attack in Nice, France, when a “Tunisian man” drove a heavy truck through a crowded promenade, killing 86 people and injuring more than 400? Predictably, the Guardian  took pains to suggest that the attack had nothing to do with Islam or Islamic terrorist groups. Thus, we are informed that although the Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack, it could offer no proof that the killer had contact with the group.

Accepting Falsehoods at Face Value

To further strengthen the case that no one should blame the Islamic religion or ideology for incidents like this, the Guardian points out that one-third of those killed in the Nice attack were Muslims. It then goes on to quote one of the injured Muslims, who assured the reporter, “The Qur’an never said kill anyone, quite the contrary.”

Since many passages in the Qur’an do endorse killing unbelievers, one wonders where he got that idea. Perhaps from the Pope? The Guardian reporter mentions that the man “has travelled to meet the pope, stressing the importance of interfaith relations.” No doubt Pope Francis reassured him that “a proper reading of the Qur’an is opposed to every form of violence.”

So an article about a jihadist’s mass murder gradually becomes an article about Muslims as victims, the peaceful nature of the Qur’an, and a meeting with the pope.

The irony is that Pope Francis has done more to cover up for Islam’s dark side than most reporters, and certainly more than any other Catholic leader. Whereas the Second Vatican Council merely drew attention to supposed similarities between Islam and Christianity, Francis draws a moral equivalence between the two faiths. When asked about the assassination of Fr. Jacques Hamel, a French priest who was murdered in 2016 by two Muslim jihadists who attacked his church in Normandy, Francis pointed out that Catholics also have killed people and cited a recent news story about a Catholic man who had murdered his girlfriend.

What Francis failed to note is that the Islamists who killed Hamel were acting in accordance with their faith, while the Catholic who murdered his girlfriend was violating the teachings of his. This simplistic conception of religion pops up almost every time Francis addresses interfaith issues. Although Francis is a fan of diversity, he seems to believe that all religions are basically the same. Thus, the joint Statement on Human Fraternity he and Sheik Amed Al Tayeb signed in Abu Dhabi portrays both Islam and Christianity as humanistic faiths with an equal commitment to the values of “peace, justice, goodness, beauty, human fraternity and coexistence.” The document also condemns terrorism but denies that it has anything to do with religion, although “incorrect interpretations of religious texts” may be a causative factor.

Sowing Confusion

The Abu Dhabi Document left many Christians confused, but Francis pushed ahead with his one-world-religion agenda.

  • He told Muslim immigrants in Italy that they should seek meaning in the Quran.
  • He has told other groups that conversion is unnecessary because all religions lead to God.
  • He urged European nations to open their borders to mass immigration, knowing full well that this policy had already led to increased Muslim violence against Christians and Jews.
  • Moreover, Francis has shown more concern over the plight of North African Muslim migrants who face the dangers of crossing the Mediterranean Sea than he has over the plight of sub-Saharan African Christians who are massacred by the thousands each year. Massacred by whom? The answer is Muslim jihadists, but you would never know it by listening to Francis. Instead, he studiously avoids implicating Islam or Muslims in these crimes.

In short, ever since the beginning of his papacy, Francis has been covering up for Islam. Like the reporter who describes an Islamic jihadist as a “Texas man,” Francis draws our attention away from the more problematic aspects of Islam and focuses instead on the commonalities between Christians and Muslims. Indeed, as Francis sees it, Christians and Muslims share so much in common that there’s no need to convert Muslims to Christianity; rather, says Francis, Muslims only need to go deeper into their own faith.

Raising It to an Art Form

As I said, this tendency to look at Islam through rose-colored glasses goes all the way back to the Second Vatican Council and the publication of Nostra Aetate. The Council fathers seemed intent on making Islam look just like Catholicism. But Francis has managed to bring the effort to a whole new level. Most recently, he knelt in prayer before a “Palestinian Jesus” swaddled in a black and white keffiyeh — the symbol of the Palestine Liberation Organization.

The unfortunate effect of these efforts to put a Christian face on Islam is that Christians have become complacent about the threat from Islam. The attempt to protect Islam from criticism has left Christians and others unprotected and unprepared.

Unprepared for what, you ask? Well, for events like the Bourbon Street massacre in New Orleans, the Bastille Day truck massacre on the Riviera, the Pulse Nightclub massacre in Orlando, and the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington.

These attacks will continue and will almost certainly increase because those who plan them realize that we have no understanding of what motivates them. Even those who do understand seem to have taken a self-imposed vow of silence.

Our officials and authorities are reduced to uttering boilerplate sentiments about “standing strong” and “defending our values.” For example, after the New Orleans attack, U.S. Rep. Troy Carter (D-LA) said the community “will rise again stronger and more united.” United against what, though? Pick-up trucks? Hijacked airplanes? Knife attacks? Texas men?

Maybe we’d do better to pay attention to the message Shamsud-Din Jabbar left for us — namely, that this is about a “war between believers and disbelievers.”

This article originally appeared in the January 15, 2025 edition of The Stream.

Pictured above: Whitewashing a fence

Photo credit: Pixabay

The Big Cover-Up, Part 1: Is “Jihad” an Interior Struggle? https://turningpointproject.com/the-big-cover-up-part-1-is-jihad-an-interior-struggle/ Wed, 15 Jan 2025 07:37:49 +0000 https://turningpointproject.com/?p=2062 The Big Cover-Up, Part 1: Is “Jihad” an Interior Struggle?

A look at why no one tells the truth about Islamic beliefs — but particularly the pope.

I hope the title of this article doesn’t sound like a conspiracy theory — but if it does, keep in mind that not every conspiracy is a theory. Many of them have been thoroughly substantiated.

The cover-up I’m referring to is the highly successful effort by Church leadership (the Catholic Church in particular), the government, media, and academia to downplay the aggressive nature of Islam, and to present it instead as a model of moderation.

Continue reading The Big Cover-Up, Part 1: Is “Jihad” an Interior Struggle? at Turning Point Project.

The Big Cover-Up, Part 1: Is “Jihad” an Interior Struggle?

A look at why no one tells the truth about Islamic beliefs — but particularly the pope.

I hope the title of this article doesn’t sound like a conspiracy theory — but if it does, keep in mind that not every conspiracy is a theory. Many of them have been thoroughly substantiated.

The cover-up I’m referring to is the highly successful effort by Church leadership (the Catholic Church in particular), the government, media, and academia to downplay the aggressive nature of Islam, and to present it instead as a model of moderation.

This cover-up does not necessarily reflect collusion between these four institutions — but whether working together or separately, they have helped to create a mindset that makes it nearly impossible to understand Islam.

Breaking It Down

In particular, the Western mindset has difficulty comprehending the Islamic doctrine of jihad — which holds that those who fight and kill unbelievers for the sake of Allah will be rewarded in paradise. In sharia law, jihad is defined as “war against non-Muslims” in order “to establish the religion” (Reliance of the Traveller o9.0).

There are other definitions as well. For example, jihad is often defined as “an interior struggle to better oneself.” However, the fact that those who are most highly honored in the Muslim world are “the martyrs” — those who have actually fought and killed (and been killed) for Allah’s sake — suggests that the jihad that counts the most involves violence.

By contrast, Western elites insist that “violence has nothing to do with Islam.” As Pope Francis stated in his 2013 Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium, “Authentic Islam and a proper reading of the Qur’an are opposed to every form of violence.”

Has Francis ever read the Qur’an, or was he just relying on the assurances of his good friend and dialogue partner, Ahmed Al-Tayeb, the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar? Whatever the case, most Catholics didn’t seem to mind. What Francis said seemed to fit in nicely with what Catholics had already been taught about Islam since the mid-1960s.

Catholic Teachings on Islam

For most of the last 1,400 years, Catholics had looked upon Islam as an enemy to be feared and fought. Then, in a relatively sudden turnabout, Church leaders began defending Islam. According to the new “enlightened” view, Islam is not so bad after all. In fact, according to many Catholic theologians, the two faiths have so much in common that they could be looked upon as brother faiths with shared values.

The first public manifestation of this changed attitude toward Islam occurred during the Second Vatican Council with the promulgation in 1965 of Nostra Aetate, a brief document which emphasized the commonalities between Islam and Christianity and ignored the deep differences between the two.

Despite its deficiencies, Nostra Aetate quickly set the tone in Catholic education for teaching about Islam. A similar change of heart was taking place in mainstream Protestant churches, but due in part to the media’s outsized interest in Catholic affairs, the idealized picture of Islam it presented gained more attention.

One Catholic institution in particular — Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service — likely played a key role in polishing Islam’s image. Successive administrations in Washington had long relied on it for expert information and advice about international affairs. Unfortunately, Georgetown’s Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, which was housed in the Foreign Service School, had become compromised by a massive donation from Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal. Eventually, as evidenced by its current focus on the threat of Islamophobia, the Center became little more than an apologist for Islam.

Excusing 9/11

The change of heart about Islam which began with the Second Vatican Council helps explain the nation’s mixed response to 9/11. Initially, there was a fear of all things Islamic, but within a relatively short time, American politicians, along with educators and TV anchormen, began a campaign to exonerate the religion from any blame for 9/11.

President George W. Bush inaccurately proclaimed that “Islam” means “peace” when, in fact, “Islam” means “submission.” Textbook publishers obligingly rewrote the history books in order to present Islamic history in glowing terms. Media personalities did likewise, and soon managed to convince the public that “Islamophobia” was a far greater threat than Islamic violence.

Meanwhile, thanks to the influence of Nostra Aetate, Catholics had already been indoctrinated along the same lines. They learned that “Islam means peace,” that Muslims revere Jesus and honor Mary, and practice the same moral code that Christians follow.

Thus, many if not most Catholics went along with the prevailing wisdom that 9/11 had “nothing to do with Islam.” Many came to believe that the true and peaceful Islam had been hijacked by a “handful” of radicals who had misunderstood their religion.

Lies Have Deadly Consequences

Unfortunately, the simplistic “hijacking” explanation used to explain 9/11 became the template for explaining just about every incidence of Islamic jihad afterward. Almost all violent jihad is now explained away as having nothing to do with Islamic beliefs: Either the jihadist misunderstood Islam, was mentally ill, or was a “lone wolf” with no real connection to the Islamic community.

In short, any explanation that takes the heat off the teachings of Islam will do. But if the real motive behind these terrorist attacks is ignored, they will continue, and probably escalate. No real remedy will be found until the real problem is addressed.

We’ll have more about that tomorrow in Part 2 of this article.

This article originally appeared in the January 14, 2025 edition of The Stream.

Pictured above: Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi

Photo credit: Pixabay

The Popular Belief That Empties Churches https://turningpointproject.com/the-popular-belief-that-empties-churches-2/ Wed, 08 Jan 2025 07:40:38 +0000 https://turningpointproject.com/?p=2059 The Popular Belief That Empties Churches

The devastating impact of the premise that people are essentially good.

In a recent Front Page column, Dennis Prager criticizes the idea that people are basically good.  The belief that humans are inherently good is both “foolish” and “dangerous,” writes Prager, and it leads to much suffering.  He offers several sobering examples from recent history of what happens to people who put their trust in human nature.

Prager was prompted to write his rebuttal when a respected Jewish publication published an article by an Orthodox rabbi claiming that “Judaism posits that people are basically good.”  The idea has long been prevalent among non-Orthodox rabbis but Prager was surprised that an Orthodox Jew would subscribe to an idea that is clearly rejected in the Torah.

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The Popular Belief That Empties Churches

The devastating impact of the premise that people are essentially good.

In a recent Front Page column, Dennis Prager criticizes the idea that people are basically good.  The belief that humans are inherently good is both “foolish” and “dangerous,” writes Prager, and it leads to much suffering.  He offers several sobering examples from recent history of what happens to people who put their trust in human nature.

Prager was prompted to write his rebuttal when a respected Jewish publication published an article by an Orthodox rabbi claiming that “Judaism posits that people are basically good.”  The idea has long been prevalent among non-Orthodox rabbis but Prager was surprised that an Orthodox Jew would subscribe to an idea that is clearly rejected in the Torah.

The notion that human nature is basically good is also rejected in the rest of the Bible—and just as strongly in the New Testament as in the Old.  Which brings me to my main point.  Over the last six decades, belief in human goodness has become an article of faith for many Christians as well as for Jews. This is particularly true of many mainstream Protestants and Roman Catholics.  For the Catholic Church, the belief has served as a wrecking ball. Numerous polls have shown a massive decline in church attendance among Catholics (and other Christians), and a corresponding drop in the number who identify as Christians.

Different people give different reasons for the decline of Christian belief, but for me the obvious reason is that Christians have replaced the idea of human sinfulness with the idea of human goodness.  And when you do that, you undercut the whole rationale for Christianity—namely, that we are sinners in need of redemption.  If human beings are good the way they are, then there is no need for a Savior to free us from our sins.

The Rousseauian belief that people are born good was resisted by the Catholic Church for centuries.  Then, starting in the sixties, the idea of natural goodness suddenly became fashionable in the Church, particularly among Catholic educators, seminarians, and orders of nuns.

What happened?  What happened was the human potential movement.  It swept through Catholic institutions in the 1960s and the change was almost instantaneous. Priests began to aim for self-actualization rather than holiness, classes were conducted like encounter groups, and religious studies books were rewritten to make room for popular psychologists such as Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow and Lawrence Kohlberg.  If you’ve read some of these authors, you can understand why they appeal to Christians.  There is nothing explicitly Christian in their writings, but there is a strong Christian “feel” to them.

There were similarities between the two belief systems to be sure, but they were only surface similarities.  Both Christians and human potentialists urged us to “judge not,” but the later maintained that we should also be non-judgmental toward ourselves.  Both belief systems encouraged us to love others, but the psychologists claimed that we could not love others until we first love ourselves.  Indeed, for the psychologists, the most important form of love was self-love.

It’s easy enough to equate Christian principles with psychological ones. After all, they sound the same; yet the differences are often greater than the similarities. For example, Christ said we should become as “little children.”  Is that the same thing as getting in touch with our “inner child?”  Well, not quite.  Christ was speaking of the innocent self-forgetfulness of children, whereas getting in touch with one’s inner child sounds more like an exercise in self-absorption.

When you get right down to it, however, the main appeal that human potential psychology has for religious people is that it is itself a kind of religion.

The humanists seemed to exhibit what can only be called a profound reverence for the human person—especially the person who is actualizing his potentials, and becoming all that he can be. In the writings of both Rogers and Maslow, one finds a sense of awe at the self-fulfilled person.  There is an almost transcendent quality to their descriptions of the “fully functioning person.”

So yes, humanistic psychology is a sort of religion—although a very self-centered one.  It is with good reason that psychologist Paul Vitz titled his book about the human potential movement, Psychology as Religion:  The Cult of Self-Worship.

The pseudo religion of self-esteem quickly became popular among college-educated Catholics; however, few recognized it as a separate religion since it seemed to blend so smoothly with the spirit of Vatican II.  Rogers and Maslow along with many other “feel-good-about-yourself” psychologists became required reading in seminaries and in Catholic colleges.  Many Catholics of all ages felt that they had discovered a more enlightened and advanced form of Christianity.  It was also a much less demanding religion, because it assured everyone that they were fine just as they were.

It’s not surprising that many Catholics began to leave the Church.  They had found something better—a therapeutic religion that would allow them to develop their “infinite potentials” without the bother of going to church. In one incident, an entire order of teaching nuns disbanded after two years of encounter group sessions led by Rogers. Six hundred nuns left the Church and all but two of the 59 schools they ran were closed down. The sisters had become more interested in self-actualization than in teaching.

Meanwhile, many of those who stayed in the Church, devoted themselves to remaking it into a non-judgmental therapy center. The problem is that the new religion was only a counterfeit of Christianity.  And those who followed it were forced to discard essential elements of real Christianity or else to water them down.

One of the first casualties was the doctrine of original sin—a doctrine that is incompatible with Rogers’ and Maslow’s theories about self-actualization.  Maslow himself admitted as much.  He once observed that if the doctrine of original sin were true, then his own theories were untenable.

However, faced with a choice between Maslow’s view of human nature and the biblical view, a significant number of Catholics sided with Maslow.  Here’s how I put the matter several years ago:

Whenever a Catholic doctrine, such as human sinfulness, collided with a psychological doctrine, such as human goodness, the tendency was to sweep the offending Catholic doctrine under the rug. Catholics were given the impression that salvation was bound up with self-awareness and self-acceptance. Self-acceptance, it was believed, would automatically follow self-awareness, because the more you learned about yourself the more you would discover about the wonders of your inner self.

Moreover, as more and more Catholics learned to accept and esteem themselves, they saw less and less reason to confess their sins:

One of the things that a great many Catholics discovered almost simultaneously was that they were—to use the lingo of the day—OK. Convinced of their own self-worth, many Catholics abandoned the Sacrament of Penance. Almost overnight, the long lines at the confessional disappeared. Catholics had been so well-schooled in the gospel of self-acceptance that they couldn’t think of any sins they needed to confess.

Not every Catholic fell for the religion of human potential, and many who did, eventually came to their senses.  Moreover, under the papacies of John Paul II and Benedict XVI, the whole Church started to slowly come back to its senses.  The election of Pope Francis, however, made it possible for Catholic progressives to put the Church back on the psychological track.  Francis, who once taught psychology, was all for a more humanistic and sensitive Church.  Indeed, the catch words that Francis so frequently uses are straight out of Rogers’ non-directive therapy playbook.  Thus, Francis loves to talk about “listening,” “accompanying,” “sensitivity,” “dialogue,” “openness,” and “acceptance.”  In a recent general audience, he told parents of children with “different sexual orientations” not to condemn their children, but to “accompany” them.

As one commentator noted, this advice “could easily be interpreted as directing parents to ignore Church teaching while allowing only for the affirmation of homosexuality or transgenderism.” Indeed, on a number of occasions, Pope Francis has made “who-am-I-to-judge” type statements about behaviors that are inherently sinful according to Church teaching.

One way to get rid of the problem of sin is to declare it as no more than a simple diversity.  Increasingly, behaviors that were once considered sinful are now looked upon by Church leaders as legitimate expressions of one’s unique individuality.  Meanwhile, gender identities and sexual orientations that were once considered as contrary to God’s plan are now looked upon as normal variations.

Take a recent initiative in Germany calling for a change in Church teaching on sexuality and gender identity.  Most German bishops welcomed the initiative to revise “outdated statements of Church doctrines on sexuality.”  As Bishop Franz-Josef Bode of Osnabruck, put it, “the basic message of the Church is God’s unconditional love for all people—in their diversity and uniqueness.”

But that’s almost the opposite of what we find in the Bible.  Although God’s love for us is immense, it is not unconditional.  In the Old Testament we find that God has set commandments for us to follow.  And in the New Testament we find Jesus telling his disciples “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (Jn: 14:15).

The idea that we should each follow our own unique path no matter where it leads may be compatible with the gospel according to Abraham Maslow, but it’s alien to the Bible.  Likewise, the concept of “unconditional love” owes more to Carl Rogers than to Church teachings.  It’s a variation on Rogers’ insistence that the first rule of non-directive therapy is “unconditional acceptance” of the client by the therapist.

Unconditional acceptance may make sense in a therapy setting, but in many social settings it makes for chaos. In his article, Prager notes that “the most important, and most difficult task of parents and society is to raise good human beings.”  Conscientious parents, he implies, will set limits and conditions on their children.  But “those who believe we are born good will not concentrate on making good people.  Why bother if we’re already good?”

Many problems of modern life can be traced to the naïve belief that all people are basically good and that human nature is trustworthy.  People who make this assumption are usually the same ones who think that we can defund the police or even abolish them without any resulting harm to society.  Such people ought to stop reading psychology books and start reading the news.

One last observation.  As I noted, both Rogers and Maslow looked upon their work as a spiritual breakthrough.  They offered therapeutic techniques designed to move the individual to higher and higher levels of awareness and acceptance.  Rogers spoke of the advent of a new kind of person who would be entirely self-fulfilled and self-contained.  And Maslow, who didn’t believe in God, did believe in “godlike possibilities” for humans.  As one Christian site observes , “Having denied the existence of God and his moral authority, it was entirely natural for Maslow to set up ‘self’ as an object of adoration.

The human potentialists claimed to have found the way to develop a more actualized and even “godlike” person.  What they actually offered, however, was nothing new.  It was simply a reiteration of the serpents promise to Adam and Eve: “You will be like God.” Catholics and other Christians would be wise to decline the offer.

This article originally appeared in the February 4, 2022 edition of FrontPage.

Photo credit: Pixabay

The Light that Shines in the Darkness https://turningpointproject.com/the-light-that-shines-in-the-darkness-4/ Mon, 16 Dec 2024 18:44:56 +0000 https://turningpointproject.com/?p=2055 The Light that Shines in the Darkness

How Christmas gives meaning to life.

When Samuel Huntington wrote “The Clash of Civilizations,” he was referring to the clash between Western Civilization and Islam.  But there is a clash within Western Civilization itself which may determine the outcome of the clash between Islam and the West.

Mark Steyn frames the problem by noting that “the future belongs to those who show up for it.”  After contrasting the West’s dismal birth rate with the Muslim world’s impressive birth rate, Steyn concludes that, barring a miracle, the future belongs to Islam, not to self-absorbed Westerners.

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The Light that Shines in the Darkness

How Christmas gives meaning to life.

When Samuel Huntington wrote “The Clash of Civilizations,” he was referring to the clash between Western Civilization and Islam.  But there is a clash within Western Civilization itself which may determine the outcome of the clash between Islam and the West.

Mark Steyn frames the problem by noting that “the future belongs to those who show up for it.”  After contrasting the West’s dismal birth rate with the Muslim world’s impressive birth rate, Steyn concludes that, barring a miracle, the future belongs to Islam, not to self-absorbed Westerners.

In 2004, shortly before he became Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger made a similar observation about the future of Europe:

“There is a strange lack of desire for a future.  Children, who are the future, are seen as a threat for the present; the idea is that they take something away from our life.  They are not felt as a hope, but rather as a limitation of the present.”

As Europeans lost faith in Christianity, they also lost the rationale for having children.  If life is mainly about self-actualization and acquiring enough money to be independent in old age, then children certainly can be a limitation.  The responsibilities involved in raising children mean that you won’t be able to do many of the things you dreamed of doing.  It means that self-fulfillment has to give way to self-sacrifice.

But judging by the falling birth rates in the U.S., and other Western countries, fewer and fewer are willing to make the sacrifice of having children.  Avoiding the “burden” of children, however, doesn’t seem to result in the promised land of self-fulfillment.  On the contrary, suicides are up and so are sales of anti-depressants.   Moreover, a plague of loneliness seems to have settled over the U.S.  In 1960, 87 % of adults lived with a spouse; in 2021 the number had fallen to 50 %.  Meanwhile, the nuclear family—once the chief institution in which people found companionship and purpose—has fallen on hard times.  New census data shows that only 18 % of American homes include married parents with children—down from 40 % in 1970.

Just as the breakdown of marriage and family doesn’t bode well for the health of the individual, it doesn’t bode well for the health of society.  Childless individuals tend to have less of a stake in the future.  They don’t have to worry about the kind of world their children or grandchildren will live in.  They are more inclined to adopt an attitude of “après moi, who cares.”  Why should they care, for instance, that the birth rate in Islamic countries far outpaces the Western birth rate?

One good reason to care comes to us every Christmas season.  Christianity starts with a young mother’s pregnancy and the birth of a special child.  The Christmas story reminds us of the supreme significance of childbirth and of the simple fact that without children there is no future.

But so, one might argue, does Islam.  Muslims take the injunction to “be fruitful and multiply” quite seriously.  Indeed, they seem to take it quite a bit more seriously than do most Christians.

There is a difference, however; Christianity brought with it an attitude of respect for women and children that had been missing in much of the ancient world, and that was nearly absent in Islam. It elevated the status of mother and child well above the existing standard, as well as the standard that was to be established under Islam.

Of course, children were valued in Islam, as in all of the ancient world, for the very practical reason that they provided a form of old-age insurance.  They would provide for parents when parents could no longer provide for themselves.  And Islam, perhaps more than most societies, valued children for another reason—as future warriors for their God, Allah.  Fighting and dying for Allah was and is very close to the heart of Islam.

About nine years ago, Daniel Greenfield wrote an insightful essay which explains a great deal about the religion of Islam and the secondary place it assigns to women and children.  The piece is entitled “The Gang Religion of Islam.”

Islam, says Greenfield, started off as a gang of raiders who turned into a band of warriors.  About two-thirds of Ibn Ishaq’s The Life of Muhammad is taken up with fighting:  preparation for raids or battles, descriptions of raids or battles, division of spoils after battles, and memorialization of warriors killed in battles.  The gang had a code which “invested their actions with meaning” and “kept order in their ranks.”  The code was based on the teachings of Muhammad who taught that Allah was the supreme God.  Allah commanded his followers to fight against his enemies—that is, non-believers—until there was no other religion but Islam.  Strange as it may seem, there is not much more to Islam than that.  As Greenfield puts it, “If Islam stands for anything, it’s killing non-Muslims” (and also Muslims who do not adhere to the correct form of Islam.)

How about women?  As in the urban street gangs of today, women don’t figure prominently in the “gang religion:”

“[The gang] finds meaning in the ethos of the fight and in the comradeship of fellow gang members.  That is why jihad is so central to Islam.  It is why women occupy such an inferior position.  Jihad is the gang culture of Islam.  Its bonding rituals are central to Islam whose original elements derive mainly from the raids of Muhammed and his companions against the more civilized peoples of the region.”

Former Muslim Nonie Darwish makes a similar observation.  “In Islam, after believing in Allah,” she writes, “the number one priority for a Muslim believer is not family; it is jihad.”  Consequently, “a man who is devoted to his wife and children in a monogamous marriage is a threat to jihad.”

Women in Islam have to play second fiddle to jihad lest they disrupt the comradeship of the warrior gang.  They also play second fiddle to the 72 brides that supposedly await the jihadist in paradise.  The “other women” in their husband’s lives are the six dozen perfectly-formed and eternally-youthful “dark-eyed” virgins. As described in the Koran, paradise seems to have been designed almost exclusively for men. Each man has his own private harem populated with women who seem to have been created solely for the purpose of serving him. One assumes that earthly wives are considered unworthy of the honor.

In the gang culture of Islam, children, likewise, are less likely to be viewed as individuals, and more likely to be viewed in a utilitarian way as future soldiers of Allah.  Sometimes they are sacrificed to the jihad while they are still young.  In Palestine, for instance, youngsters are indoctrinated from a very early age to believe that the most meaningful thing they can do with their lives is to kill Jews for the sake of Allah.  They are taught this in schools, summer camps, and on children’s television.  In Gaza, missile sites are often situated in schools so that Israelis, who place a higher value on the lives of children, won’t bomb them (i.e., the missile sites). If children get killed, they can always be used for propaganda purposes.

 In Christianity, however, all these priorities get reversed.  Jesus tells his followers that unless they become as little children, they won’t enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  Due in large part to the Christmas narrative in the Gospel of Luke, women and children in Christian societies are not simply valued for their utility, they are reverenced as children of God.  Indeed, the Incarnation elevated the value of everyone—men and women alike.

As I wrote elsewhere:

“Christmas is a celebration of that moment of enlightenment when the full value of human life became apparent… The Incarnation revealed God to man, but also, as St. John Paul II observed, it revealed man to himself.  The birth of Christ revealed that the worth of men and women was far greater than anything that had hitherto been presumed.”

If what Christians believe is true—that during the reign of Augustus Caesar, God became one of us—then everything must be seen in a whole new light.  That he entered the world not as a full grown individual but as a member of a family ought to give us second thoughts about the current devaluation of family and the current threat to children from abortionists, sex-educators, transgender fanatics, and other assorted pied pipers of our age.

There is a war within Western Civilization over the meaning of life.  And the outcome of that war may well determine the outcome of the civilizational clash with Islam.

Not surprisingly, the leftist forces in the West have formed a tacit alliance with radical Islam—a partnership which is frequently referred to as the “red-green alliance.”  The alliance is not surprising because both leftists and Islamists share similar attitudes toward family life and toward life itself.

In both cases, human life has little intrinsic value.  In Islam, humans are meant to serve the jihad, while Western leftists expect humans to serve the state (or “the revolution” in places where they do not yet control the state).

Accordingly, children are indoctrinated to transfer their loyalty from their family to the jihad (in the case of Islam) or from their family to the secular state (in the case of leftists.)  In the Christian view, however, love and loyalty to God is not to the exclusion of family loyalty.  Indeed. God prizes family so much that he became a member of a human family.  Those on the left may talk about human dignity, but their enthusiasm for abortion, euthanasia, pornography and casual sex suggests that it is all talk.  Like many Muslims, they feel contempt and hatred for whole classes of human beings.  Muslims are enjoined by Allah to hate unbelievers.  Leftists are enjoined by their leaders to hate the unvaxxed—as well as pro-lifers, home-schoolers, orthodox Christians and Jews, and anyone who fails to conform to their “woke” ideology.

According to Christian belief, the remedy to all this hatred is to be found in the birth of the Savior.  And the only sure foundation for human dignity resides in the fact that he became one of us.  In the words of “O Holy Night,” the night of Christ’s birth was the night that “the soul felt it’s worth.”  It was at that point in history that the full meaning of human dignity was revealed.  In place of Islam’s low estimate of human life and in place of the secular left’s view of us as cogs in a social machine, Christianity offers the “Wondrous Babe of Light”—at once, both fully human and fully divine.

This article originally appeared in the December 25th, 2021 edition of FrontPage magazine.

Picture credit: Pixabay

The Spirit of Christmas and the Spirit of Islam https://turningpointproject.com/the-spirit-of-christmas-and-the-spirit-of-islam-2/ Wed, 11 Dec 2024 02:23:23 +0000 https://turningpointproject.com/?p=2051 The Spirit of Christmas and the Spirit of Islam

How much do Christians and Muslims have in common? Plenty of clues can be found in the celebration of Christmas.

“The man that hath no music in himself/ Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds/ Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils” –William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice

Every year around this time, Ibrahim Hooper, the spokesperson for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), sends out a Christmas message to Christians.

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The Spirit of Christmas and the Spirit of Islam

How much do Christians and Muslims have in common? Plenty of clues can be found in the celebration of Christmas.

“The man that hath no music in himself/ Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds/ Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils” –William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice

Every year around this time, Ibrahim Hooper, the spokesperson for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), sends out a Christmas message to Christians. The gist of the message is that Christians and Muslims have much in common because “Muslims also love and revere Jesus as one of God’s greatest messengers to mankind.” And to prove it he quotes from chapter 3, verse 45 of the Koran:

“Behold! The angels said: ‘O Mary! God giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him. His name will be Jesus Christ, the son of Mary, held in honor in this world and the Hereafter and in (the company of) those nearest to God.'”

The Catholic authors of Nostra Aetate probably had this verse in mind when they declared that Muslims “revere” Jesus and “honor Mary.” Statements like this, along with the fact that Muslims esteem prophets and martyrs and engage in prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and pilgrimage, are seen by many Catholics as proof that Islam and Christianity are very similar religions. Christians would do well, however, not to take too much comfort in these apparent similarities. Although Christians and Muslims share some similar texts and similar practices, the two faiths are separated by a wide gulf.

A close examination of texts will reveal the chasm, but another way of grasping the crucial differences between Islam and Christianity is to note that the two faiths have a completely different “feel.” When we talk about a “gut feeling” or “getting a feeling” for a new activity, we mean that we understand something in an intuitive, experiential way. It’s one thing to read an instructional manual on tennis, and another thing to play it.

Christmas: A Point of Reference

One way to appreciate the different “feel” of the two religions is to think about Christmas. It means a lot to Christians. They decorate Christmas trees, set up mangers, exchange Christmas cards, sing carols, and celebrate solemn yet joyful liturgies. On the other hand, although Muslims celebrate a number of religious holy days, Christmas is not one of them—which, when you think about it, is a bit strange. Muslims, according to Hooper, “love and revere Jesus,” but they studiously ignore his birthday.

Muslims have the Christmas story (or, at least, a truncated version of it), but they don’t have Christmas. Why? Well, essentially because there’s nothing to celebrate. To Muslims, Jesus is not the redeeming savior of the world, but simply a prophet whose main job, it seems, was to announce the coming of Muhammad.

Not only does Islam lack Christmas, it lacks many of the humanizing elements that we associate with Christmas. The central image we identify with Christmas is that of the Holy Family. The fact that God became a member of a human family immeasurably elevated the importance of family, marriage, and motherhood. But there is no corresponding elevation of the family under Islam. According to Nonie Darwish, who grew up in Egypt, “Muslim weddings are more about sex and money. They do not convey the holy covenant of marriage.” The standard Egyptian marriage contract, she says, comes with questions about the bride’s virginity, the amount of the dowry, and three spaces for the husband to record the names and addresses of wife number one, wife number two, and wife number three. And although Muslims supposedly honor Mary, this hasn’t translated into a high regard for women in general. In the Koran, women are described as inferior beings, and they are treated as such in most of the Muslim world. The elevation of women was mainly a Christian achievement. It stemmed from the belief that all are equal in Christ, from the high status assigned to Mary, and from the elevation of marriage to a sacrament.

And then there’s music. The wonder of Christianity is captured in the great Christian hymns and chants, but especially in the traditional carols sung at Christmas time. They seem to come from another world and, although some of them are centuries old, they seem to remain imperishable. The message they convey is joy: “joy to the world,” “let nothing you dismay,” “tidings of comfort and joy,” “love and joy come to you,” “joy, joy, joy”…

Christianity is repeatedly attacked as restrictive and repressive, but these songs suggest something else, something immensely liberating. Once again, there is nothing like this in Islam. Beyond the chanted call to prayer, Islamic spirituality has little place for music. In fact, there is some debate among Islamic scholars about whether or not music is forbidden by Islamic tradition. But the anti-music forces seem to have the stronger case. In one of the hadith, Muhammad is quoted as saying, “Allah mighty and majestic…commanded me to do away with musical instruments, flutes, strings, crucifixes, and the affair of the pre-Islamic era of ignorance. On the Day of Resurrection, Allah will pour molten lead into the ears of whoever sits listening to a songstress.”

As historian Jamie Glazov points out in his book United in Hate, there is a deep suspicion of music in Islam. Sayyid Qutb, the chief architect of modern Islamism, “reviled” music: “Like Lenin, he deemed music a distraction from the raging hatred necessary for destruction.” Throughout Islamic history, says Glazov, there have been numerous attempts to ban music. In our time, “the Taliban illegalized music completely in Afghanistan, and Ayatollah Khomeini banned most music from Iranian radio and television.”

Khomeini’s puritanism seems to have extended beyond music to a rejection of any form of good cheer. Here he is on the subject of jokes:

“Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious.”

No jokes? You may be tempted to laugh. Just don’t do it in the wrong place. This past summer, Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister declared in a speech on “moral corruption” that women should not laugh in public in Turkey.

For most Christians, Christmas holiday cheer also includes partaking of the good cheer provided by alcoholic drinks. With the exception of some (mostly American) denominations, Christians have lived fairly comfortably with liquor. Indeed, wine is at the heart of the Catholic liturgy, and orders of Catholic monks did much to develop the art of winemaking. Although the Gospels decry drunkenness, Christian tradition does not condemn drinking in itself. Islam does. According to the Koran, wine is an abomination devised by Satan.

The difference between the Christian and Islamic views on drinking may not appear to be crucial, but it provides a clue to a crucial difference. It’s not just wine versus no wine that’s at issue but two entirely different ways of looking at life. You could call it balanced versus unbalanced. Islam sees one side of alcohol—the destructive, dangerous side—and comes up with a one-sided solution: ban it. Christianity sees that alcohol is both subtle and complex—just as the label on your wine bottle claims—and suggests that it be enjoyed in moderation.

Islam’s suspicion of wine, just like its suspicion of music, seems overly severe. Wine, like music, is one of the great human comforts, and to suppress it, as Islam does, strikes the Western consciousness as slightly inhuman. By contrast, the Church has always followed the maxim that grace doesn’t destroy nature but fulfills it. In this view, the supernatural doesn’t replace the natural but completes it, raises it up, redeems it. So Jesus Christ raised bread and wine to the supernatural level, and did the same for marriage by making it a sacrament. One of the beauties of Christianity is that it adds layers of meaning to ordinary human activities, giving them a specialness beyond what is ordinarily assigned to them. Despite, or perhaps because of its call to participate in the divine life, Christianity had a humanizing influence wherever it spread.

Good Cheer vs. Great Fear

Christians theologians who scour the Koran for bits and pieces of text that seem to harmonize Christianity and Islam might do well to pay attention instead to the different “feel” or “spirit” of the two faiths.

The distinctive spirit of Christianity, like the spirit of Christmas, is a spirit of good cheer. The good cheer comes from knowing that we are freed from our sins, but it also comes from the knowledge that we are sons and daughters of God. That concept—adoption as children of God—brings with it much responsibility, but it also provides us with good reason to rejoice.

The distinctive spirit of Islam, by contrast, is a spirit of fear. The Christian idea that God is a father who takes a personal interest in his children is alien to the tenets of Islam. The Allah of the Koran is as remote and capricious as any caliph. Humans are his slaves, not his sons and daughters. And he sends no Holy Spirit to comfort his people. Although the Koran borrows the title “Holy Spirit” from Christian scripture, the Holy Spirit in Islam remains just that—a borrowing: a term torn from context and signifying nothing more than Muhammad’s penchant for name-dropping.

Islam, with its thousand-and-one laws and corresponding punishments in this world and the next, is a religion of the letter rather than the spirit—the perfect illustration of what Saint Paul meant when he said “the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.”

CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper ends his Christmas message with the usual boilerplate about “shared religious heritage” and “building bridges of interfaith understanding.” Given CAIR’s past involvement in terrorist funding and its recent designation as a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates, one might be justified in questioning his sincerity. However, even on the assumption that he means every word, the deeper problem remains. Hooper concludes his message of reassurance to Christians by saying “We have more in common than we think.” Well, yes, if you think that having a common bond is just a matter of drawing up a list of shared vocabulary, then maybe that’s so.

But on a deeper level, the claim is not convincing. Whatever superficial similarities there may be, the spirit of Christianity is radically different from the spirit of Islam. Like so many other Islamic PR men, Hooper knows the words, but he doesn’t hear the music. Unfortunately, a good many well-meaning and eager-for-dialogue Christians suffer from a similar tone-deafness. They fail to realize that Islam marches to the beat of a decidedly different drummer.

This article originally appeared in the December 21, 2014 edition of the Catholic World Report.

Pictured above: The Holy Family

Picture credit: Pixabay

Is Bishop Strickland’s Appeal a Dead Letter or a Call to Action? https://turningpointproject.com/is-bishop-stricklands-appeal-a-dead-letter-or-a-call-to-action/ Wed, 04 Dec 2024 08:36:01 +0000 https://turningpointproject.com/?p=2047 Is Bishop Strickland’s Appeal a Dead Letter or a Call to Action?

A few weeks ago, Bishop Joseph Strickland sent an open letter to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops as the group met in Baltimore for its fall plenary assembly.

It was a remarkable letter in which Strickland accused his fellow bishops of silence in the face of “the false messages constantly flowing from the Vatican under the leadership of Pope Francis,” essentially accusing the Vatican of promoting heresy.

But even more remarkable was the bishops’ response: silence.

Continue reading Is Bishop Strickland’s Appeal a Dead Letter or a Call to Action? at Turning Point Project.

Is Bishop Strickland’s Appeal a Dead Letter or a Call to Action?

A few weeks ago, Bishop Joseph Strickland sent an open letter to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops as the group met in Baltimore for its fall plenary assembly.

It was a remarkable letter in which Strickland accused his fellow bishops of silence in the face of “the false messages constantly flowing from the Vatican under the leadership of Pope Francis,” essentially accusing the Vatican of promoting heresy.

But even more remarkable was the bishops’ response: silence.

Granted, I may have missed an objection here or there, but Strickland’s charges are so grave and so sweeping that one would expect not just a few objections, but a whole boatload of them. For example, he refers to the bishops as “silent shepherds, unwilling to risk speaking up in the face of evil and destructive forces that threaten the Church.” He suggests, in addition, that their actions are reminiscent of Judas’s betrayal of Christ.

Moreover, Strickland insists that the bishops cannot claim to be ignorant of the damage Francis has done:

“There can be no bishop who is unaware of statements that Pope Francis has made that are unambiguous denials of the Catholic faith. For example, Francis has stated publicly…that all religions are a path to God. … How many souls will be lost who will accept his erroneous statement that all religions will lead to salvation? …Every bishop and cardinal should publicly and unequivocally state that Francis no longer teaches the Catholic faith. Souls are at stake!

Stating the Obvious

There’s more, but as you can see, Strickland has put his fellow bishops in a corner. They can’t plead ignorance about what Francis has said and done. Anyone who has paid the least attention already knows about his heretical opinions and statements. Moreover, anyone who can read can see that Francis “is actively opposing the divine truths of our Catholic faith.” All you need is The Catholic Catechism (or the New Testament) in one hand and the “teachings of Francis” (as Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández calls them) in the other. Francis is plainly and frequently in opposition to Church teachings.

Much of what Strickland says in his letter is obviously true. Why, then, have the vast majority of bishops (at the time of this writing) chosen to remain silent?

Fear, of course, is one possible motive. Numerous priests and prelates who have challenged Francis’s orthodoxy are now unemployed. They have been removed from office, laicized, and in some cases, excommunicated (for examples see here). Such things, along with the possibility of relocation to some chilly, far-away diocese, will certainly figure into some bishops’ calculations.

Others are probably taking a wait-and-see approach in the hope that the whole thing will blow over. They may reason that if everyone maintains silence, Strickland’s letter will soon be forgotten, or else he will be successfully portrayed as a fringe figure in much the same way that Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganó’s critics dismiss him as nothing more than a purveyor of baseless conspiracy theories.

Still others will reckon that the ailing Francis has only a short time to live, and it’s wiser to wait him out and hope that the next pope will be a less divisive figure.

The Spartacus Strategy

In the event of some sort of showdown, it’s difficult to say how things will fall out. It’s possible that many more bishops sympathize with Strickland’s views than is generally assumed.

Nevertheless, many of them may be unwilling to give him the response he desires. Why? Because they fear a schism in the Church more than they fear a few more years under a bad pope. Bad popes come and go, but a schism can last for decades and even centuries. So we shouldn’t automatically assume that those who won’t sign on to Strickland’s “call to arms” are thereby in Francis’s camp.

Speaking of a call to arms, let’s consider a tactic that many Catholics have undoubtedly already considered. Let’s call it the “I am Spartacus” strategy. In the 1960 movie Spartacus, the leader of a slave rebellion and his army are surrounded by the much larger Roman army. When the Romans offer the slaves their lives in exchange for revealing their leader’s identity, three men stand up almost simultaneously, shouting “I am Spartacus!” And within three seconds the entire slave army rises to its feet shouting “I am Spartacus!”

Despite the fact that all the men are executed as a result, the film remains immensely popular. I suspect it has a special resonance for Catholics because Spartacus (Kirk Douglas) is portrayed as a sacrificial Christ-like figure who in the end is crucified.

I’m guessing that many Catholics already envision a scene where a large number of bishops stand up one by one to cast their voice vote for Strickland, to the progressives’ chagrin. Unfortunately, the “Spartacus strategy” is a long shot. It’s the kind of tactic that works well with unionized workers who provide some essential service and are backed by the public and/or other unions who are willing to join their strike. Truckers, teachers, and dockworkers often get what they want. But the Spartacus strategy doesn’t seem advisable for a group of men who on average are past middle age, only meet once or twice a year, and may lack the requisite courage to resist.

An Army, or Eyebrows?

On the other hand, Strickland’s actions are not an oddity. Throughout Church history, saints and prophets have rebuked prelates for their inaction and have called for spiritual warfare against the powers of darkness. The difference between then and now is that today’s bishops are not used to being reminded about the Devil, hellfire, lost souls, and “dying for Christ.” Another difference is that Spartacus raised a rebel slave army but thus far, Strickland seems only to have raised a few eyebrows among the Catholic commentariat.

Although I have reservations about the Spartacus strategy, it has sometimes proved successful. Two instances that come to mind involving religious belief are the mass conversion of Aztec Indians to Christianity following the appearance of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and the mass rejection of the Vatican declaration, Fiducia Supplicans by African bishops less than a year ago.

On January 11 of this year, the African bishops issued a formal protest titled, “No Blessing for Homosexual Couples in the African Churches.” The Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) declared that Fiducia Supplicans “has sown misconception and unrest in the minds of many lay faithful, consecrated persons, and even pastors…” The president of the symposium, Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo, maintained that the West had lost the meaning of marriage and framed the Vatican document as an example of “cultural colonialism” — the West trying to impose its values on other cultures.

Surprisingly, Francis seemed reluctant to make an issue of the rejection. Rather, he latched onto Ambongo’s contention that homosexuality is an affront to African culture. Francis observed that criticism of same-sex blessings is “a special case” in Africa because “for them homosexuality is something ‘bad’ from a cultural point of view (and) they don’t tolerate it.” In other words, Francis looks upon Africa as a cultural backwater, but is happy to use the “respect-our-diversity” demand as a way to extricate himself from a difficult situation.

What shall we make of this? And does the African affair throw any light on the Strickland affair? Without pretending to have any definitive answers for the American bishops and for American Catholics (to whom Strickland addresses his final appeal) here are a few things to consider.

Playing the Odds

First, Francis knows how to weigh the odds. And he’s willing to back down when the odds don’t favor him. More Christians live in Africa than any other continent, and Catholics are the largest Christian denomination in Africa. But strength of will is just as important as strength of numbers, and Africa’s bishops seem to have both. They know their faith and they know when it’s being fiddled with. “No blessing for homosexual couples in the African churches” doesn’t leave much room for dialogue. Rather, it calls up memories of the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. leading civil rights marchers through choruses of “We Shall Overcome.”

Second, Francis has discerned that the American bishops are, for the most part, company men. They are not singing “We shall not be moved”; rather, they seem willing to dance to any tune that Francis pipes for them, whether it be an Indian rain dance to avert climate change or a rendition of “When the Saints Come Marching In” to accompany illegal border crossers.

Third, the American bishops aren’t getting any younger. The approach of death forces most people to think harder about life after death. Most Catholics likely assume that bishops have less to worry about in that regard than most of us. But, as Strickland keeps reminding his fellow bishops, it’s the other way around. The Apostles’ successors have more to fear because more has been asked of them. And yet, says Strickland, “You who are entrusted with the keeping of souls choose to speak not a word of the spiritual danger which abounds.”

For bishops, this is hard to ignore. Strickland speaks to them directly and personally. They may say nothing in reply, and yet they must realize that a reply is called for. If you were the target of such a letter, and you were convinced of your innocence, wouldn’t you feel compelled to respond? Perhaps one of the bishops — perhaps many — are waiting for a second or third man to stand up and reinforce Strickland’s charges before they can muster the courage to raise their own voices.

‘My Sheep Know My Voice’

Strickland provides some incentive: “Do you not know that our Lord will send forth his avenging angels to heap coals of fire upon the heads of those who were called to be His Apostles and have not guarded what He has given unto them?”

“Avenging angels?” “Coals of fire?” People don’t speak that way anymore, do they? No, they don’t. But Jesus did. So whose do you follow: the voice of Jesus or the wisdom of the day?

Right now, Strickland’s letter may seem to be a dead letter. But not if enough good people respond to its final sentence:

“I ask the faithful to pray fervently that all shepherds find their voices and say with me, “Que viva Cristo Rey — long live Christ the King, Truth Incarnate!”

To bishops of a certain kind, that may sound corny; to others it will sound like a call to action.

This article originally appeared in the December 3, 2024 issue of The Stream.

Pictured above: Saint George and the Dragon Statue in Bratislava

Photo credit: Pixabay
